
In addition to some teaching during my PhD (2011-2014), I have been a Temporary Researcher/Teacher (ATER) for two years at the University of Montpellier, France (2016-2018). 

I've taught classes such as Structural Geology, Tectonics, Earthquake Cycle, Fracturing, General Geology, Cartography, and Petrology for undergraduate students (French license) to Master students. My teaching activities occurred both in classrooms and in the field. 

What a good time spent teaching! I really enjoyed this period.

Master students in front of a beautiful pyrenean fold structure (Valflaunes, France, December 2016).

Distribution of my teaching activities between 2011 and 2018. 

M : Master. L : License.  GER : Geology of Exploration & Reservoir. DTRN : Terrestrial Dynamics & Natural Risks.