
  • Lu, Y., & Sheffield, J., Improve maize simulation capacity with reduced calibration by assimilation of soil moisture and canopy cover data, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, United States, December 2020. (poster presentation)

  • Lu, Y., & Sheffield, J., Improving Dryland Crop Simulation by Assimilating Soil Moisture and Vegetation Data, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2020. (poster presentation)

  • Lu, Y., & Sheffield, J., Global sensitivity analysis for a water-driven crop growth model for dryland environments, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, United States, December 2019. (eLightning presentation)

  • Lu, Y., Dong, J., Steele-Dunne, S., & van de Giesen, N., Mapping surface heat fluxes by assimilating GOES land surface temperature and SMAP products, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, United States, December 2017. (oral presentation)

  • Lu, Y., Dong, J., Steele-Dunne, S., & van de Giesen, N., Mapping soil moisture and surface heat fluxes by assimilating GOES land surface temperature and SMAP soil moisture data, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2017. (oral presentation)

  • Lu, Y., Dong, J., Steele-Dunne, S., & van de Giesen, N., Estimating surface heat fluxes by assimilating land surface temperature and soil moisture data, Boussinesq Lectures, Brussels, Belgium, October 2016. (oral presentation)

  • Lu, Y., Dong, J., Steele-Dunne, S., & van de Giesen, N., Estimating surface turbulent heat fluxes from land surface temperature and soil moisture using the particle batch smoother, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2016. (oral presentation)

  • Lu, Y., Sutanudjaja, E., Drost, N., Hut, R., Steele-Dunne, S., van de Giesen, N., ... & Bierkens, M., Assimilating data from remote sensing into a high-resolution global hydrological model, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2014. (poster presentation)