Journal Papers


[89] Yang, D., Yang, K., Lu, Y., Liang, M., & Zhao C., 2024. Graph-driven Multi-vessel Long-term Trajectories Prediction for Route Planning under Complex Waters. Ocean Engineering, 313, p.119511.

[88] Huang, X., Yang, D.*, Wang, K., Tong, J. and Han, T., 2024. Impact of Student Backgrounds on the Outcomes of Maritime Postgraduate Professional Education. Transport Policy. Accepted and Forthcoming.

[87] Yap, W.Y. and Yang, D., 2024. Geopolitical tension and shipping network disruption: Analysis of the Red Sea crisis on container port calls. Journal of Transport Geography, 121, p.104004 (Oct).

[86] Zhang, L., Lai, K.H. and Yang, D.*, 2024. Shipping ecosystem: concept and policy implications. Maritime Economics & Logistics, pp.1-28 (Oct). 

[85] Xu, W., Yang, D.*, Gao, Y., Lu, Y., Zhang, J. and Guo, Y., 2024. MvKSR: Multi-view Knowledge-guided Scene Recovery for Hazy and Rainy Degradation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 73, July.

[84] Li, L., Xu, W., Gao, Y., Lu, Y., Yang, D., Liu, R.W. and Zhang, R., 2024. Attention-oriented residual block for real-time low-light image enhancement in smart ports. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 120, p.109634. 

[83] Yang, D., Li, X. and Zhang, L., 2024. A novel vessel trajectory feature engineering for fishing vessel behavior identification. Ocean Engineering, 310, p.118677. 

[82] Zhang, J., Yang, D. and Luo, M., 2024. Port Efficiency Types and Perspectives: A Literature Review. Transport Policy. 

[81] Yan, R., Yang, D.*, Wang, T., Mo, H. and Wang, S., 2024. Improving ship energy efficiency: Models, methods, and applications. Applied Energy, 368, p.123132. 

[80] Souza, F., Pitombo, C.S. and Yang, D., 2024. Value of time and port choice: An approach regarding import companies in Brazil. Latin American Transport Studies, 2, p.100014. 

[79] Lu, Y., Yang, D.*, Gao, Y., Liu, R.W., Liu, J. and Guo, Y., 2024. AoSRNet: All-in-One Scene Recovery Networks via Multi-knowledge Integration. Knowledge-Based Systems, 294, p.111786. 

[78] Shang, T., Wu, H., Wang, K., Yang, D., Jiang, C. and Yang, H., 2024. Would the shipping alliance promote or discourage green shipping investment? Transportation Research Part D, 128, p.104102.

[77] Li, L., Wan, Y. and Yang, D.*, 2024. Do shipping alliances affect freight rates? Evidence from global satellite ship data. Transportation Research Part A, 181(Feb), p.104010.

[76] Li, L., Lu, Y. and Yang, D.*, 2024. Aerial visual data-driven approach for berthing capacity estimation in restricted waters. Ocean & Coastal Management, 248(Feb), p.106961. 

[75]  Han, T., Yang, D.*, Ji, P, Wu, C.L. (Charade), 2024. Effect of Online Quotation Platform on Container Shipping Order. Maritime Policy & Management, 51(2), pp.159-173.


[74] Yang, D., Liao, S., Lun, Y.V. and Bai, X., 2023. Towards sustainable port management: Data-driven global container ports turnover rate assessment. Transportation Research Part E, 175 (July), p.103169.

[73] Chen, D., Bai, X., Wang, Z. and Yang, D.*, 2023. A port statistics-based generic ballast water estimation and risk assessment approach and its application to Chinese ports. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 192 (July), p.115068.

[72]  Bai, X., Ma, Z., Hou, Y., Li, Y. and Yang, D.*, 2023. A Data-Driven Iterative Multi-Attribute Clustering Algorithm and Its Application in Port Congestion Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(Nov):12026–12037.

[71] Zhang, L., Yang, D.*, Bai, X. and Lai, K.H., 2023. How liner shipping heals schedule disruption: A data-driven framework to uncover the strategic behavior of port-skipping. Transportation Research Part E, 176 (Aug), p.103229.

[70]   Zhang, L., Yang, D.*, Luo, M, Wu, S., 2023. Revisiting the pricing benchmarks for Asian LNG — An equilibrium analysis. Energy 262 (Jan): 125426.

[69] Wang, S., Jia, H., Lu, Jing., and Yang, D.*, 2023. Crude Oil Transportation Route Choices: A Connectivity Reliability-Based Approach. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 235 (July), p.109254.

[68] Li, C., Lin, Q., Huang, D., Grifoll, M., Yang, D. and Feng, H., 2023. Is Entropy an Indicator of Port Traffic Predictability? The Evidence from Chinese Ports. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 612 (Feb) p.128483.

[67]  Gong, X., Jiang, H., and Yang, D.*, 2023. Maritime Piracy Risk Assessment and Policy Implications: A Two-step Approach, Marine Policy, 150 (Apr), p.105547.

[66]  Li, W., Bai, X., Yang, D., and Hou, Y., 2023. Maritime connectivity, transport infrastructure expansion, and economic growth: a global perspective, Transportation Research Part A, 170 (Feb), p.103609. 

[65] Chen, K., Jia, S., Wang, J., Yang, D. and Ding, Y., 2023. Dual-channel ticketing and pricing strategies in cruise revenue management, Maritime Policy & Management, June, 1-24.

[64] Pu, X., Bai, X., Hou, Y., and Yang, D., 2023. An Examination of Liner Companies’ Port Choices Under External Shocks Considering Firm Heterogeneity. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, July, 57 (3): 225-246.

[63]  Liu, R.W., Hu, K., Liang, M., Li, Y., Liu, X. and Yang, D., 2023. QSD-LSTM: Vessel Trajectory Prediction Using Long Short-term Memory with Quaternion Ship Domain. Applied Ocean Research, 136 (July), p.103592.

[62] Souza, F., Pitombo, C.S., Jong, G.D. and Yang, D., 2023. Port choice in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an analysis of the perspectives of exporters and importers in the container market. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 17(1-2), pp.232-256. 


[61]  Yang, D., Li, L., and Notteboom, T., 2022. Chinese Investment in Overseas Container Terminals: The Role of Investor Attributes in Achieving a Higher Port Competitiveness. Transport Policy 118 (March): 112–22.

[60] Bai, X., Xu, M., Han, T., Yang, D.*, 2022. Quantifying the Impact of Pandemic Lockdown Policies on Global Port Calls. Transportation Research Part A 164 (Aug): 224-241.

[59] Yang D., Li, C., Li, L., Lai, K.H., Lun Y.H. (Venus), 2022. Maritime Cluster Relatedness and Policy Implications. Transport Policy 128(Nov):76-88.

[58] Yin, Z., Yang, D., and Bai, X., 2022. Vessel Destination Prediction: A Stacking Approach, Transportation Research Part C 145 (Nov): 103951.

[57] Peng, W., Bai, X., Yang, D., Yuen, K., and Wu, J., 2022. A Deep Learning Approach for Port Congestion Estimation and Prediction. Maritime Policy & Management, April, 1–26.

[56] Souzaa, F., Yang, D.*, Aluisio, M., Leandro, B., and Cira, P., 2022. Assessment of Container Terminals Competitiveness in the Brazilian Market: A Cluster Analysis. Maritime Policy & Management. July, 1-20.

[55] Bai, X., Chen, L., Yang, D.*, and Cai, O., 2022. Does the Traffic Volume of a Port Determine Connectivity? Revisiting Port Connectivity Measures with High-Frequency Satellite Data. Journal of Transport Geography 102 (June): 103385.

[54]  白茜文, 侯尧, 杨冬*. 2022. 基于显示性偏好数据的航运承运人应对全球限硫令的选择偏好研究. 交通运输工程学报 22 (1): 240–49.

[53] Yap, W.Y., and Yang, D., 2022. Hub port choice and shipping connectivity in Southeast Asia during COVID-19 pandemic: implications for post-pandemic competition landscape. Maritime Policy & Management, Sep 1-16.

[52]  Yan, R., Mo, H., Yang, D., and Wang, S., 2022. Development of Denoising and Compression Algorithms for AIS-Based Vessel Trajectories. Ocean Engineering 252 (May): 111207.

[51]  Wang, Z., Saebi, M., Grey, E., Corbett, J., Chen, D., Yang, D., and Wan, Z., 2022. Ballast Water-Mediated Species Spread Risk Dynamics and Policy Implications to Reduce the Invasion Risk to the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 174 (January): 113285.  

[50] Chen, D., Yang, D., and Yang, Z., 2022. Port Investment along the Maritime Silk Road Considering Mutual Selections of the Industries Planned for Transfer and Recipient Countries with Location Advantage. Maritime Policy & Management, Nov 1-24.


[49]  Zhang, Q., Yang, D., and Chen, Y., 2021. Port Integration on the Yangtze River: Does It Follow an “Interest Balance” Pattern? Transport Policy 108 (July): 83–94.

[48]  Zhang, Q., Yan, K., and Yang, D.*, 2021. Port System Evolution in Chinese Coastal Regions: A Provincial Perspective. Journal of Transport Geography 92 (April): 103031.

[47]  Yang, D., Wu, L., and Wang, S., 2021. Can We Trust the AIS Destination Port Information for Bulk Ships?–Implications for Shipping Policy and Practice. Transportation Research Part E, 149 (May): 102308.

[46]  Yang, D., Notteboom, T., and Zhou, X., 2021. Spatial, Temporal and Institutional Characteristics of Entry Strategies in Inland Container Terminals: A Comparison between Yangtze River and Rhine River. Journal of Transport Geography 90 (January): 102928.

[45]  Yan, R., Mo, H., Wang, S., and Yang, D., 2021. Analysis and Prediction of Ship Energy Efficiency Based on the MRV System. Maritime Policy & Management, August, 1–23.

[44]  Wang, J., Yang, D., Chen, K., and Sun, X., 2021. Cruise Dynamic Pricing Based on SARSA Algorithm. Maritime Policy & Management 48 (2): 259–82.

[43]  Souza, F., Pitombo, C., and Yang, D., 2021. Port Choice in Brazil: A Qualitative Research Related to in-Depth Interviews. Journal of Shipping and Trade 6 (1): 13.

[42]  Bai, X., Hou, Y., and Yang, D.*, 2021. Choose Clean Energy or Green Technology? Empirical Evidence from Global Ships. Transportation Research Part E 151 (July): 102364.

[41]  廖诗管, 杨冬*, 白茜文, 翁金贤. 2021. 基于船舶大数据的港口装卸效率值计算方法. 交通运输系统工程与信息 21 (2).


[40] Yang, D., Zhang, L., Luo, M., and Li, F., 2020. Does Shipping Market Affect International Iron Ore Trade? – An Equilibrium Analysis. Transportation Research Part E 144 (December): 102107.

[39] Xu, H., and Yang, D.*, 2020. LNG-Fuelled Container Ship Sailing on the Arctic Sea: Economic and Emission Assessment. Transportation Research Part D 87 (October): 102556.

[38] Wu, L., Yang, D.*, Wang, S., and Yuan, Y., 2020. Evacuating Offshore Working Barges from a Land Reclamation Site in Storm Emergencies. Transportation Research Part E 137 (May): 101902.

[37] Weng, J., Liao, S., and Yang, D., 2020. Methodology for Estimating Waterway Traffic Capacity at Shanghai Estuary of the Yangtze River. Journal of Navigation 73 (1): 75–91.

[36]  Weng, J., Liao, S., Wu, B., and Yang, D.*, 2020. Exploring Effects of Ship Traffic Characteristics and Environmental Conditions on Ship Collision Frequency. Maritime Policy & Management 47 (4): 523–43.

[35]  Notteboom, T., Yang, D.*, and Xu, H., 2020. Container Barge Network Development in Inland Rivers: A Comparison between the Yangtze River and the Rhine River. Transportation Research Part A 132 (February): 587–605.

[34]  Liu, Z., Yang, D.*, and Ng, Y. N. Eppie., 2020. A Competitive Analysis of Port of Hong Kong: From External to Internal. Journal of Shipping and Trade 5 (1): 7.

[33] Chen, Y., Yang, D., Lian, P., Wan, Z., and Yang, Y., 2020. Will Structure-Environment-Fit Result in Better Port Performance? —An Empirical Test on the Validity of Matching Framework Theory. Transport Policy 86 (February): 23–33.

[32] Chen, Y., Tao, K., Jiao, W., and Yang, D.*, 2020. Investigating the Underlying Social Psychology of the Innovation Adoption in Container Trucking Industry. Transportation Research Part A 137 (July): 259–70.

[31]  Chen, Y., Chao, Y., and Yang, D.*, 2020. Port Recentralization as a Balance of Interest. Research in Transportation Business & Management 34 (March): 100374.


[30] Yang, L., Chen, G., Rytter, N., Zhao, J., and Yang, D., 2019. A Genetic Algorithm-Based Grey-Box Model for Ship Fuel Consumption Prediction towards Sustainable Shipping. Annals of Operations Research, March.

[29]  Yang, D., Wu, L., Wang, S., Jia, H., and Li, K., 2019. How Big Data Enriches Maritime Research – a Critical Review of Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data Applications. Transport Reviews 39 (6): 755–73.

[28] Yang, D., Jiang, L., and Notteboom, T., 2019. Innovative Solutions for Shipping Market Turmoil: The Search for Profitability, Sustainability and Resilience. Transport Policy 82 (October): 75–76.

[27]  Weng, J., Yang, D.*, Chai, T., and Fu, S., 2019. Investigation of Occurrence Likelihood of Human Errors in Shipping Operations. Ocean Engineering 182 (June): 28–37.

[26]  Wang, S., Yan, R., Wu, L., and Yang, D., 2019. Optimal Re-Allocation of Mooring Areas for Yachts. Maritime Business Review 4 (1): 94–105.

[25]  Li, F., Yang, D.*, Wang, S., and Weng, J., 2019. Ship Routing and Scheduling Problem for Steel Plants Cluster alongside the Yangtze River. Transportation Research Part E 122 (February): 198–210.

[24]  Chang, Z., Yang, D., Wan, Y., and Han, T., 2019. Analysis on the Features of Chinese Dry Ports: Ownership, Customs Service, Rail Service and Regional Competition. Transport Policy 82 (October): 107–16.

[23]  Chang, Z., Weng, J., Qi, Z., and Yang, D.*, 2019. Assess Economic and Environmental Trade-off for Inland Port Location. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 11 (2/3): 243.


[22]  Zhang, L., Luo, M., Yang, D., and Li, K., 2018. Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Chinese Economy with Belt and Road Initiative. Maritime Policy & Management 45 (3): 301–18.

[21] Yang, D., Pan, K., and Wang, S., 2018. On Service Network Improvement for Shipping Lines under the One Belt One Road Initiative of China. Transportation Research Part E 117 (September): 82–95.

[20] Yang, D., Jiang L., and Adolf K.Y. Ng. 2018. One Belt One Road, but Several Routes: A Case Study of New Emerging Trade Corridors Connecting the Far East to Europe. Transportation Research Part A 117 (November): 190–204.

[19] Xu, H., Yang, D.*, and Weng, J., 2018. Economic Feasibility of an NSR/SCR-Combined Container Service on the Asia-Europe Lane: A New Approach Dynamically Considering Sea Ice Extent. Maritime Policy & Management 45 (4): 514–29.

[18]  Wu, L., Pan, K., Wang, S., and Yang, D., 2018. Bulk Ship Scheduling in Industrial Shipping with Stochastic Backhaul Canvassing Demand. Transportation Research Part B 117 (November): 117–36.

[17] Weng, J., Yang, D.*, Qian, T., and Huang, Z., 2018. Combining Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression with MLRT Techniques: An Approach to Evaluating Shipping Accident Casualties. Ocean Engineering 166 (October): 135–44.

[16] Weng, J., Yang, D.*, and Du, G., 2018. Generalized F Distribution Model with Random Parameters for Estimating Property Damage Cost in Maritime Accidents. Maritime Policy & Management 45 (8): 963–78.

[15] Weng, J., Li, G., Chai, T., and Yang, D., 2018. Evaluation of Two-Ship Collision Severity Using Ordered Probit Approaches. Journal of Navigation 71 (4): 822–36.

[14]  Wang, S., Yang, D., and Lu, J., 2018. A Connectivity Reliability-Cost Approach for Path Selection in the Maritime Transportation of China’s Crude Oil Imports. Maritime Policy & Management 45 (5): 567–84.

[13] Guo, L., Yang, D., and Yang, Z., 2018. Port Integration Method in Multi-Port Regions (MPRs) Based on the Maximal Social Welfare of the External Transport System. Transportation Research Part A 110 (April): 243–57.

Before 2017

[12]  Yang, D., and Wang, S., 2017. Analysis of the Development Potential of Bulk Shipping Network on the Yangtze River. Maritime Policy & Management 44 (4): 512–23.

[11]  Yang, D., Wang, K., Xu, H., and Zhang, Z., 2017. Path to a Multilayered Transshipment Port System: How the Yangtze River Bulk Port System Has Evolved. Journal of Transport Geography 64 (October): 54–64.

[10] Zheng, J., and Yang, D.*, 2016. Hub-and-Spoke Network Design for Container Shipping along the Yangtze River. Journal of Transport Geography 55 (July): 51–57.

[9]  Yang, D., Weng, J., and Hu, J., 2016. Coal Containerization: Will It Be an Alternative Mode of Transport between North and South China in the Future? Maritime Business Review 1 (1): 76–87.

[8]  Tongzon, J., and Yang, D., 2016. The Rise of Chinese Ports and Its Impact on Major Ports in East Asia. Maritime Economics & Logistics 18 (1): 19–40.

[7]  Song, L., Yang, D., Chin A., Zhang, G., He, Z., Guan, W., and Mao, B., 2016. A Game-Theoretical Approach for Modeling Competitions in a Maritime Supply Chain. Maritime Policy & Management 43 (8): 976–91.

[6]  Zheng, J., Gao, Z., Yang, D., and Sun, Z., 2015. Network Design and Capacity Exchange for Liner Alliances with Fixed and Variable Container Demands. Transportation Science 49 (4): 886–99.

[5]  Weng, J., and Yang, D., 2015. Investigation of Shipping Accident Injury Severity and Mortality. Accident Analysis & Prevention 76 (March): 92–101.

[4]  Yang, D., Ong, G., and Chin, A., 2014. An Exploratory Study on the Effect of Trade Data Aggregation on International Freight Mode Choice. Maritime Policy & Management 41 (3): 212–23.

[3]  Yang, D., Chin, A., and Chen, S., 2014. Impact of Politics, Economic Events and Port Policies on the Evolution of Maritime Traffic in Chinese Ports. Maritime Policy & Management 41 (4): 346–66.

[2]  Yang, D., Liu, M., and Shi, X., 2011. Verifying Liner Shipping Alliance’s Stability by Applying Core Theory. Research in Transportation Economics 32 (1): 15–24.

[1]  Yang, D., and Odani, M., 2007. Analysis on City Freight Cooperative Transportation System using Game Theory. Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies.


[1Lun, Y.V., Lai, K.H., Cheng, T.E., and Yang, D., 2023. Shipping and logistics management . London: Springer. ISBN: 9783031260902 

Book Chapters

[5]   Lai, Kh., Yang, D. 2024. Maritime Logistics. In: Sarkis, J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

[4]   Yang, D., Chen, Y. and Zhang, Q., 2023. Chapter 11: Collaboration in the Great Bay Area: scheme, challenge and opportunity. In: Port Systems in Global Competition - Spatial-Economic Perspectives on the Co-Development of Seaports, Taloy & Francis. ISBN: 9781003316657 

[3]  Yang, D., Li, L., 2021. The Investment Efficiency of Overseas Port: Three Macroscopic Factors. In: Market Development and Policy Implications - Analysing the Transport and Logistics Industry in the Belt and Road Region, Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128159712 

[2]  Wan, Y., Yang, D., 2021. Freight Costs: Air and Sea. In: Vickerman Roger (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Transportation (pp. 36-45). Elsevier. ISBN: 9780081026717

[1]  Yang, D., Liu, Q., Jiang, L., Zhang, W. and Chu, W., 2018. Part III: China, the People’s Republic of (PRC). In: Duru Okan (Eds.), Maritime Business and Economics (pp. 99-137). Routledge. ISBN: 9781138400368