Public engagement
Science pitching competition, Skolar Award, in Slush 2018, 5th December 2018, Helsinki
A Result in Brief article published on European Commissions's CORDIS platform.
A video made by World Economic Forum.
07 February 2017
A press release reported the most recent research findings of me and my colleagues. The published news is attached alongside.
29 September 2017
I participated in the Pecha Kucha of the European Researchers' Night, Oulu, Finland.
Summer 2014
I participated in the worldwide presentation competition - the Three Minute Thesis (3MT), and made to the final of the University of Birmingham. The video of my talk is attached alongside.
''The 3MT competition is an annual competition held in over 200 universities worldwide. It is open to PhD students, and challenges participants to present their research in just 180 seconds, in an engaging form that can be understood by an intelligent audience with no background in the research area. This exercise develops presentation, research and academic communication skills and supports the development of research students' capacity to explain their work effectively.''
22 January 2014
I published a video on YouTube to summarize my Ph.D. study. The video is attached alongside.
04 June 2013
I gave an open lecture - ''Energy Harvesting using Piezoelectric Materials'', in the Central European Institute of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic. The presentation slides are attached alongside.