
Our research employees numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, and field experiments to build our fundamental understanding of fluid mechanics with environmental concerns. We are broadly interested in (1) fluid mechanics in marine carbon dioxide removal, (2) mixing and transport of passive and active tracers in stratified flows, (3) particle laden flows, and (4) turbulent jets and plumes. We seek to build a sustainable water environment and tackle the climate change that we are facing right now.

1. Fluid Mechanics in Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

Ocean alkalinity enhancement, an approach for carbon dioxide removal, can involve introducing milled mineral particles into the ocean to promote carbon dioxide update. Our research will assess the effectiveness of this method by examining the settling of particles under ocean waves, turbulence, and stratification while dissolution take place.

Collaborators: Mary-Louise Timmermans (Yale), Matthew Eisaman (Yale), Ruth Musgrave (Dal)

2. Mixing and transport of tracers in stratified flows

The mixing and transport of tracers in stratified flows are fundamental aspects of environmental fluid dynamics. Tracers, such as dyes or dissolved chemicals, help study fluid motion and dispersion in stratified environments where density variations create distinct layers. This research is critical for understanding oceanic circulation, atmospheric pollutant dispersion, and the dynamics of lakes and reservoirs. Studying tracers in stratified flows enhances our ability to predict and manage the spread of contaminants, nutrient movement, and heat/salt distribution in these complex systems.

Collaborators: Greg Lawrence (UBC), Ted Tedford (UBC), Adrien Lefauve (U of Cambridge)

3. Particle laden flows

Many natural and industrial flows are laden with solid particles. Examples include sediment deposition from river plumes in estuaries and lakes, sedimentation of volcanic ash in the ocean, vertical transport of microorganisms and microplastics in the ocean, and discharge of dredged materials and industrial waste. Buoyancy-induced convective sedimentation has been shown to play a pivotal role in transporting the near-surface suspended matter to depth in a water column. In this case, sedimentation is enhanced in the sense that the apparent particle settling rate exceeds that based on the Stokes settling velocity of an individual particle.This effect may be influenced by a range of other factors including flocculation, and the presence of a background shear flow.

Collaborators: Jason Olsthoorn (Queens), Mona Rahmani (UBC), Alexis Kaminski (UC Berkley)

4. Turbulent jets and plumes

Turbulent jets and plumes are dynamic fluid phenomena involving rapid mixing of fluids with their surroundings. Jets involve fluid discharge through an orifice, while plumes arise from buoyant sources like heated emissions. These flows exhibit complex mixing and dispersion influenced by velocity, density differences, and ambient conditions, with applications in industry, pollution dispersion, and natural phenomena. The left picture shows a outfall discharge in Qatar coast. 

Collaborators: Joseph Hun-wei Lee (MUST & HKUST), Abdolmajid Mohammadian (uOttawa), Colin Rennie (uOttaw)