The problem is that the language value in the drop-down list of blocks is different from the one you need to enter when using the variable block. @domhnallohanlon I told the developers about this problem, but they felt that my comments did not cause big problems for users, and this could not be fixed for Column and Row. Now, a similar problem arose with a component of the translator.

Hi! Im trying to put a google or yandex translator widget on my page. I dont want to translate the full page, but i need to put the translating box under a text, so the students can type there any word they dont understand (is for a language learning page) Is there any way to do that? i tried to iframe the full yandex translator page but it doesnt work.

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this may sound like a noob question, but it is a big problem for me. I have a file called, and I tried adding that as an external JAR to my eclipse project, but the code wouldn't work; It wouldn't let me import.

I spent my whole evening submerging myself in programming basics and cloud service management just to get an API code from yandex translator to make built in yandex plugin work. Alas, OmegaT seems to enjoy my suffering, I guess, because I've created about 5 different API codes and each time istead of a translation I get "Error 403 You have reached the daily limit for requests". I've checked with the support guys from yandex: my account is up and running and everything seems to be in order. But still the whole contraption remains completely unfunctional. What could I be doing wrong?

Aha. Got it. Using macOS once again has led me to my demise. Because the latest version of OmegaT for macOS is 4.3.3, which was probably issued before the war and which still contains yandex as an option

This blog is not intended to advertise Google API neither is its purpose to downplay the great features and capabilities of Yandex. It is only the authors desire to share with the readers his experience that he thinks may serve a purpose as one may wish to know how to translate something in a language that may not be listed yet in the Yandex repertory or create an app with many different machine translator APIs for analysis and comparison.Our goal in this blog is to provide the user a better understanding about how to filter the result from the web using JSON parser block or the Text features of App Inventor. Of course, when using Yandex, App Inventor has already taken care of those issues so users dont have to worry about them. But with APIs other than Yandex, you must know how to manipulate the strings to get the desired result; this is what we are about to show you.

To get started with using machine translator API, we need to setup an account for the service unless we are using the built-in Yandex Procedure or method created for this purpose in App Inventor. Since we are making use of Google Translate API and Yandex, we need at least an account for google which we already have. Once an account created, we need to get to the API console to create a project and enable API for that project. When getting API credential for the project, please select browser API key. If help is needed on this process, please follow the API documentation available on the user console. Now that the API key has been created, how do we use it? This is the question that we promise to answer next.

:discourse2: Summary Discourse Translator translates posts on Discourse using Microsoft, Google, or Yandex translation APIs. ? Repository Link -translator ? Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse ...

In addition to the free version for users, there is a commercial API online translator (free up to 10 million characters, then paid), designed primarily for the localization of sites of Internet shops and travel companies.[10]

For a quick access, you can use the deep_translator from terminal. For this to work, you need to providethe right arguments, which are the translator you want to use, source language, target language and the textyou want to translate. ff782bc1db

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