Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé UMR7372 CNRS
79360 Villiers-en-Bois FRANCE (docyaounde@gmail.com)
"A word cloud is worth a thousand words"
Hold on... I doubt Confucius ever said that...
Anyway, as the word cloud says I'm a marine ecologist interested in using seabirds, especially penguins as eco-indicators of the changing polar environments for conservation purposes. But don't categorize me too quickly: I also like to do ecophysiological studies, work on non polar species and even talk to mathematicians...
Director (2012~) of the polar program l’AMMER (Adélie penguins as Monitors of the Marine EnviRonment), administered by the Institut Paul Emile Victor, France.
Vice President of the Comité National Français des Recherches Arctiques et Antarctiques (2017~).
Chief Officier of SCAR Life Science group (2016-) and co-C.O. of the SCAR Expert Group on Birds and Marine Mammals (EGBAMM) (2009~).
Secretary of the International Bio-logging Society (2016~)
Expert of the French Delegation to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and the Committee for Environmental Protection (2018~)
Member of the Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System of SCAR (2014~), Steering Committees of ANTABIF (2010~) and EG-ABI (2012~) at SCAR
PEW fellow 2017
Co-Animator of the Thematic Group "Animals" at AllEnvi (2019~)
Co-animator of the Zone Atelier Antarctique, CNRS (2014-2017).
Secretary of the SCAR Life Science group (2012-2016)
Member of the Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System of SCAR (2014~)
Nominated at the Interdisciplinary Commission 54, CNRS (2012-2016)
Expert for the 4th Important Marine Mammal Area workshop, Brest, France, 15-19/10/2018, the IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force; the Antarctic Circumpolar Expedition (2016), the Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census and the Census of Antarctic Marine Life, the National Biodiversity Indicators, Fondation Recherche Biodiversité (2013, 2015), the IUCN National red list update (2014), Invited among the 80 Antarctic specialists for the SCAR 1st Horizon SCAN, New Zealand (2014).
Program leader in the French Antarctic base of Dumont d’Urville, Terre Adélie (1998-99) and Overwintered (1994-1996) as a penguin biology program leader, Crozet, French sub-Antarctic territory.