Plotting projected band structure or k-resolved band structure

In this example, the whole trick is to use pm3d to map the 3rd dimension on to two-dimensional plot and to give a feeling of projection. Instead of plot we use splot and multiplot is used to show the projected and un-projected band structures, side-by-side.

Projected bandstructure

# Part of the script is inspired from PWSCF

set term png enhanced size 1000,500

set out 'kpdos_up.png'

set pm3d map # corners2color mean

set view 0,0


f(z)=z**(0.9) # tune image contrast



set xrange[1:111]

unset xtics

set xtics out nomirror ("{/Symbol G}" 1, "Z" 21, "F" 51, "{/Symbol G}" 81, "L" 111)


set yrange [-5:5]

#set ylabel "E-E_F(eV)" #rotate by parallel offset 0,-2

set ytics out nomirror


set label 1 "E-E_F(eV)" at 140, -1 rotate by 90


unset ztics

unset key

unset colorbox


#set origin 0,0

#set size 1,1

set multiplot layout 1, 2


set origin -0.08,-0.1

set size 0.6, 1.0

set title "Total DOS" offset 0.0, -5.0

splot 'agbise2_with_SO.kresolved.pdos_tot' u 1:($2-ef):(f($3)) w pm3d


set origin 0.4,-0.1

set size 0.6, 1.0

set title "s-DOS"

splot 'agbise2_with_SO.kresolved.pdos_atm#4(Se)_wfc#3(p_j1.5)' u 1:($2-ef):(f($3)) # w l pm3d

#splot 'agbise2_with_SO.kresolved.pdos_atm#4(Se)_wfc#3(p_j1.5)' u 1:($2-ef):(f($3)) palette

unset multiplot