R: Don't Be a Leader

Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 at 7:30 p.m.

Emanuel Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851, oil on canvas. 378.5 × 647.7 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Should leadership be sought, or avoided? Should it be accepted as an honor, or accepted out of complete necessity? These are the central questions this resolution asks us. In a culture where leadership skills are considered the gold standard when applying to jobs, universities, or even pre-school, we should ask ourselves if it is productive and good to be urging the youth of our country to avidly pursue positions of leadership. In the early days of our nation, the ambition that drove people to seek public office was seen as a gravely destructive, tyrannical force with which to be reckoned. Madison discusses this at length in Federalist 10 and 51. While leaders may in fact be necessary, it would seem that those that view a call to leadership as a curse— an obligation— are more qualified to serve than those who (perhaps pathologically) seek leadership. It is said that the model leader for many in the Party weeps after his election. This reaction is indicative of the crushing weight that leadership does (or perhaps should) inflict on a person. The now cliched quote “May God forgive you for what you have done in my regard,” may yet be a model for how leadership ought to be accepted.

Yet, as Christians, are we not all called to be leaders in our life of faith? Are we not called to be leaders of our families, the most intimate associations in political life? For those of us called to the priesthood, is that not a position of leadership? Even if we do believe this, can we really say that a vocation given by God is sought? On the other hand, many of us believe leadership (or administration) is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Should we not actively seek to use it? This is a very brief sketch of some of the questions I feel are relevant to our debate. Regardless of one’s position, speakers are encouraged to inform the body of the distinction between leadership (or more properly, the desire for it), and the power lusting of a tyrant.