R: Secession is a State's Right

7:30 p.m. in the Berkeley Mendenhall Room

Alexander Pope, Emblems of the Civil War, 1888, oil on canvas, 137.6 × 129.8 cm, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn.

The subject of secession is often treated with a certain level dismissiveness and disdain. Those who entertain it are viewed as dangerous, while those who endorse it are viewed as outright insane. In 2016, it is simply beyond the pale to discuss secession in any meaningful way.

Secession is one of the many “Solved Issues” of our time. If you were to bring up the subject in conversation, you might hear this reply: “Didn’t the Civil War resolve this question?” Of course, violence never provides a substantive answer in a debate. It simply ends the debate. And so, the problem of secession remains unresolved. 

But do not despair, for what fun would this life be without unresolved questions?