R: It's Morning in America!

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. in the Calhoun Parlor

Hall, George Henry. Patriotic Bouquet. 1861. Oil on canvas. Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit.

Where are we going? How do we get there? These are basic, vague, and terrifyingly important questions that everyone asks, and they are only more pressing when applied to the host of people bound together in a state.

With control of the Senate on the line, Tuesday's elections will mark yet another pivotal chapter in the history of American politics. Is a Republican victory a move in the right direction? Is conservatism reemerging from exile? But more importantly, are American culture, politics, and values going to experience a positive reversal—in the near future or in the long term—as a result of these elections?

It is undeniable that where we stand as Americans—and what we stand for—affects people the world over. It is time to reexamine where we are going, how we are getting there, and whether or not the path we are choosing through our leadership point toward an era where fewer tears are shed and lighter burdens are carried. It is time that we discuss frankly what prosperity and flourishing truly mean. Are we once again turning toward the vision of Martin Luther King, Jr., where men "talk about God's power and human power"? Indeed, where are we going?