R: Burn the Heretics

Friday, February 28th, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Calhoun Parlor

de Goya, Francisco. The Inquisition Tribunal. circa 1812-1819. Oil on panel. 46 x 73 cm. Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid.

Alright, so no one is actually advocating recourse to the methods of the Inquisition (the alumni may speak for themselves). Nonetheless, a good ole' dissent versus authority debate will force us to consider some of the seemingly paradoxical features of modern society. For instance, to what extent is freedom—of religion, of speech, of thought—both desirable and viable? How can we discern between rival authorities that all claim a monopoly on the Truth? And how do we decide which dissidents are wise and which are dangerous? Even when it values liberty as a fundamental right, society necessitates conformity, and conformity is itself a natural consequence of society. It often takes a heretic to break mindless obedience—yet that same heretic might tear society to shreds. Which heretics do we tolerate? Which do we burn?