R: We Are Not the Masters of Our Machines

Thursday, November 29th, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. in the Berkeley Mendenhall Room

Friedrich, Caspar David. The Monk by the Sea. circa 1808-1810. Oil on canvas. 110 x 171.5 cm. Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin.

Thanksgiving leftovers have been finished, winter is quickly approaching, and the Holiday Season lies ahead. To end the year on a strong note, the Federalist Party will meet this week to debate...well, who knows? Free will vs. determinism? The nature of proper submission to authority? The myth of individualism? The triumph of individualism? The devestating effects of libertarianism on morality?

Are we born knowing right from wrong? Or must virtue be inculcated? SOOOOO many questions! You're obviously left with no option but to come to our debate to hear them addressed. And I knowwww that current Union candidates really care about these questions, so I suspect we might see a few of them there.