R: Rap Is Poetry

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. in the Berkeley Mendenhall Room

Metsu, Gabriel. A Musical Party. 1659. Oil on canvas. 62.2 x 54.3 cm. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Rap music is a polarizing but popular genre in America.  Indeed, the comparison has been made that rappers are the new rock stars.  Yet, rap music has been an ever-changing form of music with each decade presenting a new sound and influence: from the story-telling gangster rap of the nineties to the radio-friendly "fashion rap" of the past decade, the genre has never been afraid to change its style.  But is rap much more than just rhymes spoken to synthetic instrumentals?  Can rap be considered poetry or does a clear distinction exist?  Whether you abhor the genre or are a passionate defender, or even if you wish to argue the merits of your own choice in music, join us as we try to distinguish between Shakespeare and Jay-Z.