
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Yafateme is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. This privacy policy explains what information we collect, how we use that information, and how we share it with others.

Information we collect

We collect information that we need to provide you with our services. This information may include the following:

   Access to the Internet to download the audio of Madahi

   Technical information of your device, IP address and browser type.

How we use your information

We use your information to provide you with our services. This may include the following:

   Download the audio of the hymns.

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How we share your information

We do not share your information with third parties, in the following cases:

To provide our services to you, use a third party service provider to host you, with your consent.

Control of your information

You can control what information you share with us. you can:

   Disable your internet access in the app.

   Disable AdMob ads in the app.

Security of your information

We protect your information. We use physical, electronic and managerial security to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

Change in this policy

We may change this policy at any time. We published the changes on this page. If you do not agree with the change, continue using the app.

contact us

If you have any questions about this policy, you can contact us:
