
Disclaimer: Content on this website is intended for participants of Youth Action Challenge Season 2 only. Redistribution of content from this website is not allowed without the approval of Singapore’s National Youth Council (NYC) or the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). Copyright of content shown in the videos is owned by the respective presenters and organisations.

Know the difference between a functional and non-functional team, and learn what it takes to form your winning team in any project.

What makes an idea a success? Consider its desirability, viability and feasibility. Learn more about the trifecta of ideas through this video!

This session helps you identify the pain point that your idea addresses and how should you look at the unique value proposition of your idea. You will learn how to craft your value proposition and how to position your idea to stand out from the rest.

Having trouble deciding the right solution for your complex issue? Let Systems Thinking help you identify the various interconnected factors to guide your next steps towards building an impactful solution through this short course.

This session will teach you how to identify various traits and habits to create your persona, which acts as a guide and basis for you to craft your marketing campaigns and acquire users for your idea. You will learn about how you should formulate hypothesis and create constructive stereotypes to segregate your target users.

This session covers the full suite of iterative process that you will go through when you test your idea with your users. You will learn about how to test and create experiments using the trifecta framework once again - feasibility, desirability and viability, and to know how to prioritise your hypothesis testing with the limited resources on hand.

This session helps you work on balancing the strengths, weaknesses, shared values and roles in order to build your winning team. You will learn how to carve out group norms, core values, and work with each other via the team charter framework.