
My research mostly deals with understanding rigorously (in the mathematical sense) classical statistical physics models at equilibrium. The models that I often study are the Potts model (and in particular the Ising model) and the Ashkin-Teller model.

Some problems that I (with collaborators) tackled are:


[1]    Sharp asymptotics of correlation functions in the subcritical long-range random-cluster and Potts models

   Electron. Commun. Probab. 26: 1-9 (2021), arXiv

[2]    Non-analyticity of the correlation length in systems with exponentially decaying interactions

   with Dmitry Ioffe, Sébastien Ott and Yvan Velenik, Commun. Math. Phys. 386, 433-467 (2021), arXiv 

[3]   Short proof of the sharpness of the phase transition for the random-cluster model with q=2


   on arXiv (2020)

[4]   Failure of Ornstein–Zernike asymptotic for the pair correlation function at high temperature and small density 

    with Dmitry Ioffe, Sébastien Ott and Yvan Velenik. Published in Physical Review E 103, L050104 (2021), arXiv

[5]   Ornstein-Zernike behaviour for the Ising models with infinite range


   with Sébastien Ott and Yvan Velenik. Accepted for publication in Annales de l’I.H.P (2022), arXiv


[6]   On the two-point function of the Potts model in the saturated regime


   with Sébastien Ott and Yvan Velenik. Commun. Math. Phys. (2022), arXiv 

[7]   Phase diagram of the Ashkin-Teller model

      with Moritz Dober and Alexander Glazman. Commun. Math. Phys. (2024)


[8]   On the two-point function of the Ising model with infinite-range interactions

   with Kamil Khettabi. Journal of Statistical Physics(2023), arXiv

[9]   Fixed-magnetization Ising model with a slowly varying magnetic field

   with Sébastien Ott and Yvan Velenik (2023) , Submitted to Electronic Journal of Probability, arXiv