
Homework Task

You will presenting to the class about an area of E-Safety.

Below is the detail of what you should be doing week by week.

You teacher will be checking in every week to ensure you are completing the work and you understand the topic and its contents

You teacher will inform you how and in what format the research sections should be completed

Week 1

  • What are the different types of computer viruses your devices can get? (research the different types of viruses)

  • Why is it a concern/something you have to be aware of?

Week 2

  • What can happen to your device if it gets a virus?

  • What does the law say about people attacking devices and creating viruses?

  • What are the consequences for these people?

Week 3

  • How can you help ensure its doesn't happen to your devices?

  • Who are the people you can go to for support?

Week 4

Prepare presentations

Week 5/6

In class presentations