Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name:  Yoshiaki OKUMURA

Gender:   Male

Rationality: Japanese

Birthplace:  Nagasaki


  • Doctor of Science (Tokyo Institute of Technology) March, 2019

 Doctoral Thesis: A Drinfeld module analogue of the Rasmussen-Tamagawa conjecture

 Examination committee: Professor Yuichiro Taguchi (Chief examiner), Professor Fumiharu Kato, Professor Satoshi Naito, Associate Professor Masatoshi Suzuki, Associate Professor Shohei Ma

  • Master of Mathematical Science (Kyushu University) March, 2016

 Master's Thesis: Non-existence of certain abelian varieties with CM factors

 Adviser: Associate Professor Yuichiro Taguchi

  • Bachelor of Science (Kyushu University) March, 2014

 Adviser: Associate Professor Yuichiro Taguchi

Educational History

March, 2014: Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of Kyushu University

March, 2016: Graduated from the Master Coarse of the Graduate School of Mathematics of Kyushu University

March, 2019: Graduated from the Doctoral Coarse of the Department of Mathematics of Tokyo Institute of Technology

Work History

October, 2014 ~ February, 2016: Teaching assistant, Kyushu University

April, 2016 ~ March, 2019: Teaching assistant, Tokyo Institute of Technology

April, 2019 ~ March, 2021: Researcher, Department of Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology

April, 2019 ~ March, 2021: Educational support staff, Department of Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology

April, 2019 ~ March, 2021: Part-time teacher, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Toyo University

April, 2021 ~ now: Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Toyo University


February, 2020: Awarded Seiichi Tejima Doctoral Dissertation Award 2019