Five hot, remastered opponents from Video Strip Poker Supreme Pack 9 joined Video Strip Poker HD today. Popular star Nessa Devil as Vanessa, Kayla, Megan, Scarlett and Eileen are eager to have fun playing strip poker in Full HD with you.

The girls are waiting for you in the game and in the gallery on our website.

Have lots of fun playing Video Strip Poker HD!

RealGirls Strip Poker is a full motion video strip poker game against the computer AI. You can choose 1 or 2 opponents to play against. Each time they go bankrupt, they remove a piece of clothing until they are fully nude in which case, if there's more than 1 opponent, they'll remain sitting in the game room until the end of the game.

Real Girls Strip Poker With Opponent Packs


Does the beer really affect how the girls play poker?

 Of course! A tipsy opponent will (sometimes) lose her ability to make sound poker-playing decisions. But for it to work you should give the girl a beer right after the cards are dealt, or at least before she takes a draw. Also, the beer only affects the opponents during that hand. On the next "ante up", she will play normally unless you give her another drink.

Why isn't the game distributed directly online as a download instead of, or in addition to, CD-ROM?

 The game is extremely large. It would take a long time to download and not everyone has a high-speed connection. This isn't a strip poker game with static pictures. It is totally full-motion digital video.

I completely agree with both of you that there is a sweet-spot for the number of rounds/clothing for standard opponents. But to give a bit more context as to what I'm trying to do, I'm looking for it to progress a sort of comic strip. So there will only be images (no composites or "half-off" pieces of clothing). Just one option to get to the next page of the comic without skipping ahead a few pages by selecting an alternate piece of clothing. I'll also edit the character difficulty to make things more tolerable for the increased number of rounds.

The starting point is the outfit file as you figured out. Start by listing the clothes there, one at a time, in the order you want them removed. Then create the image folders just as you said,. So the first folder for say 7 layers will be '1111111'. Note that there will be one more folder than the number of clothes if there is a modesty layer, i.e. naked but not fully exposed, as Eldricus' and I tend to do. Then, starting at the left, replace each 1 with a 0, to strip the next item of clothing in your outfit list. I'll go to a simple example: your model has blouse, skirt, bra and panties. In the outfit file, blouse is labeled as outfit 1, skirt 2, bra 3, panties 4 (assuming that's the order you wished the items removed in). So the first folder will be 1111, and it will contain the fully clothed images and be the first one displayed by the game. The next folder will be 0111, and will contain the images of the model without her blouse. 0011, will have the skirt also removed, 0001 will be minus the bra, and 0000 will be fully naked. I guess the folder names look binary, but they really aren't. The only binary part is the 1 for an item displayed, and a 0 to indicate the item is not shown in the images in the folder. Also, yes to the naming of each layer. Whatever you name each outfit line is what will be displayed on the game buttons. So, we name each line according to the itsm to be removed. Instead of naming the first item 'blouse' you can name it 'Scene1' or anything else that takes your fancy. If you want the right sound effects though, you will need to define the appropriate clothing undress sound for each scene. I hope this helps.

So he couldn't tell Tansy or anyone else about it, even if he wantedto? That was why you never heard from real witchcraft victims. And whythey never seemed able to escape, even if the means of escape were athand. It wasn't weak will. They were watched. Like a gangstertaken on a ride from an expensive night club. He must excuse himselffrom the loud-mouthed crowd at his table and laugh heartily, and stopto chat with friends and throw a wink at the pretty girls because rightbehind him are those white-scarfed, top-hatted trigger boys, hands inthe pockets of their velvety dress overcoats. No use dying now. Betterplay along. There might be a chance. be457b7860

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