Peer-reviewed Articles

[16] Chen, X.-Y., Zheng, X.-Y., Beard, B.L., Urrutia, M., Johnson, C.M., Barak, P., 2022. Natural Potassium (K) Isotope Fractionation during Corn Growth and Quantification of K Fertilizer Recovery Efficiency Using Stable K Isotope Labeling. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6(7), 1876-1889.

[15] Zheng, X.-Y., Chen, X.-Y., Ding, W., Zhang, Y., Charin, S., Gérard, Y., 2022. High precision analysis of stable potassium (K) isotopes by the collision cell MC-ICP-MS “Sapphire” and a correction method for concentration mismatch. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 37(6), 1273-1287.

[14] Nie X., Chen X., Hopp T., Hu J., Zhang J., Teng F.-Z., Shahar A., Dauphas N., (2021) Imprint of Chondrule Formation on the K and Rb Isotopic Compositions of Carbonaceous Meteorites. Science Advances., 7, eabl3929

[13] Tian S., Hou, Z., Chen X., Tian H., Gong Y., Yang Z., Huang T., Li X. and Mo X. (2020) Magnesium isotopic behaviors between metamorphic rocks and their associated leucogranites, and implications for Himalayan orogenesis. Gondwana Res., 87, 23-40.

[12] Chen, X.-Y., Chafetz, H.S., Lapen, T.J. (2020) Silicon isotope variations in hydrothermal systems at Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 283, 184-200. [PDF]

[11] Chen, X.-Y., Teng, F.-Z., Sanchez, W.R., Romanek, C.S., Sanchez-Navas, A. Sánchez-Román, M., (2020) Experimental constraints on magnesium isotopic fractionation during abiogenic calcite precipitation at room temperature, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 281, 102-117. [PDF]

[10] Chen, X.-Y., Teng, F.-Z., Huang, K.-J., Algeo, T. (2020) Intensified chemical weathering during early Triassic revealed by magnesium isotopes, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta (in press) [PDF]

[9] Tian, H.-C., Zhang, C., Teng, F.-Z., Long, Y.-J., Li, S.-G., He, Y., Ke, S., Chen, X.-Y., Yang, W. (2020) Diffusion-driven extreme Mg and Fe isotope fractionation in Panzhihua ilmenite: Implications for the origin of mafic intrusion. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 278, 361-375. [PDF]

[8] Sun, Y., Teng, F.-Z., Hu, Y., Chen, X.-Y., Pang K.N. (2020) Tracing subducted oceanic crust in the mantle by using potassium isotopes, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta , 278, 353-360. [PDF]

[7] Huang, T., Teng, F.-Z.,Rudnick, R.L., Chen, X.-Y., Hu, Y., Liu, Y.-S., Wu, F.-Y. (2020) Heterogeneous potassium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta , 278, 122-136. [PDF]

[6] Tian, H.-C., Teng, F.-Z., Hou, Z.-Q., Tian, S.-H., Yang, W., Chen, X.-Y., Song, Y.-C., (2019) Magnesium and lithium isotopic evidence for a remnant oceanic slab beneath central Tibet, JGR Solid Earth 125, e2019JB018197 [PDF]

[5] Chen, X.-Y., Teng, F.-Z., Catling, D.C. (2019) Fast and precise boron isotopic analysis of carbonates and seawater using Nu Plasma II MC‐ICPMS and simple sample introduction system, Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom., 33, 1169-1178. [PDF]

​[4] Xu, Y.-K., Hu, Y., Chen, X.-Y., Huang, T.Y., Sletten, R.S., Zhu, D., Teng, F.-Z. (2019) Potassium isotopic compositions of international geological reference materials, Chem. Geol., 513, 101-107. [PDF]

[3] Hu, Y., Chen, X.-Y., Xu, Y.-K., Teng, F.-Z. (2018) High-precision analysis of potassium isotopes by HR-MC-ICPMS, Chem. Geol., 493, 100-108. [PDF]

[2] Chen, X.-Y., Lapen, T.J., Chafetz, H.S. (2017) Accurate and precise silicon isotope analysis in sulfur and iron-rich samples by MC-ICP-MS, Geostand. Geoanal. Res. , 41, 427-435. [PDF]

[1] Chen, X.-Y., Chafetz, H.S., Andreasen, R., Lapen, T.J. (2016) Silicon isotope compositions of euhedral authigenic quartz crystals: implications for abiotic fractionation at surface temperatures, Chem. Geol., 423, 61-73. [PDF]

Manuscripts in Preparation

Chen, X.-Y., Teng, F.-Z., Catling, D.C., Buick, R. Boron isotopic composition of Precambrian carbonates and implication for long-term ocean pH changes

Conference Abstracts

Chen, X.-Y., Teng, F.-Z., Catling, D.C., Buick, R. (2019) Boron isotope constraints on Neoarchean ocean pH and climate, AGU Fall Meeting (Poster)

Chen, X.-Y., Teng, F.-Z., Huang, K.-J., Algeo, T. (2018) Intense chemical weathering during early Triassic revealed by Mg isotopes, Goldschmidt Conference (Talk). [Link]

Huang, T.-Y., Teng, F.-Z., Rudnick, R., Chen, X.-Y., Hu, Y., Liu, Y.-S., Wu, F.-Y. (2018) Potassium isotopic composition of the Upper Continental Crust, Goldschmidt Conference. [Link]

Chen, X.-Y., Lapen, T.J., Chafetz, H.S. (2017) Silicon isotope variations in siliceous sinter deposits in hot springs: examples from Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A., GSA Annual Meeting (Talk). [Link]

Chen, X.-Y., Lapen, T.J., Chafetz, H.S. (2017) Natural silicon isotope fractionation between hot spring waters and associated siliceous sinter deposits in Cistern Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A., Goldschmidt Conference (Talk). [Link]

Chen, X.-Y., Lapen, T.J., Andreasen, R., Righter, M., Irving, A.J., and Chafetz, H.S. (2016) Silicon isotope composition of ungrouped achondrite Northwest Africa 7325, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Poster). [Link]

Chen, X.-Y., Lapen, T.J., Andreasen, R., Chafetz, H.S. (2016) Silicon isotope analysis in sulfur and iron-rich samples by MC-ICP-MS, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Poster). [Link]

Chen, X.-Y., and Chafetz, H.S., Lapen, T.J., Andreason, R. (2014) Petrologic and Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of Authigenic Euhedral Quartz Crystals in Edwards Formation, Central Texas, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition (Poster). [Link]