
Ronan O'Shea

(4th year PhD student, Psychology; co-advised with Nicholas Priebe)

Dylan Le

(3rd year PhD student, Neuroscience; NSF GRFP fellowship)

Shun Kobayashi

(PhD student, Neuroscience, primary advisor: Eyal Seidemann, NIH NRSA fellowship)

Yuezhang Liu

(2nd year PhD student, Neuroscience)

Zhongxuan Wu

(1st year PhD rotation student; Neuroscience)

Marlan McInnes-Taylor

(2nd year Master's student; Computer Science)

Margaret Von Ebers

(1st year Master's student; Computer Science

Salim M’jahad

(1st year PhD rotation student; Neuroscience)

  Thomas Langlois

 (postdoctoral research scientist)

Nikolai A Kumar

(undergraduate student; ECE)

Yixin Zhang

(undergradute student; Statistics)

Eriane Austria

(undergraduate student; Neuroscience) 

Caroline Pastrano

(undergraduate student; Neuroscience)

        Shray Vats

(undergraduate student; Computer Science)

Prospective graduate students:

If you are interested in joining the lab as a graduate student, please apply through the Neuroscience Graduate Program at UT Austin. 

Collaborators (PIs):

Michael Woodford, Department of Economics, Columbia University

Eyal Seidemann, Departments of Psychology and Neuroscience,  UT Austin

Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Department of Psychology, Columbia University

Weijian Yang,  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis

Mark Brandon,  Department of Psychiatry, McGill University

Yuke Zhu, Department of Computer Science, UT Austin

Ying Nian Wu, Department of Statistics, UCLA

Michael Goard,  Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, UCSB

Cary Frydman, Marshall School of Business,  USC

Nicholas Priebe, Department of Neuroscience, UT Austin.

Student/postdoc collaborators:

Christopher J. Cueva (postdoc),  MIT

Kenneth Kay (postdoc), Columbia University

Ding Zhou (grad student), Columbia University

Michael Hahn (grad student), Stanford University

Huadong Xiong (master student), Capital Normal University

Lab mascot


Small has an advanced degree in human behavior.