XXVII International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics

Philosophy of Dark Energy

03 - 07 June 2024

University of Urbino

The Inter-University Center for Philosophy and Foundations of Physics, the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo", Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, and the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science, with the kind media partnership of Entropy, are happy to announce the

XXVII International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics

Philosophy of Dark Energy

The XXVII International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics of the University of Urbino will focus on a crucial topic of research in physics and philosophy: 

Dark Energy. 

The school will feature in-depth lectures on the physics, philosophy, and conceptual foundations of Dark Energy and its relations to cosmology, epistemology, and metaphysics. This year's speakers are Erik Curiel (University of Bonn), Viatcheslav Mukhanov (LMU Munich), Vera Matarese (University of Perugia), Juliusz Doboszewski (University of Bonn).

Overall, this year's School offers an invaluable opportunity for students and scholars to learn about dark energy and its philosophy.

Viatcheslav Mukhanov

(University of Munich)

Erik Curiel

(University of Bonn)

Vera Matarese

(University of Perugia)

Juliusz Doboszewski

(University of Bonn)

Director of the School: 

Vincenzo Fano (University of Urbino)

School Organizers: 

Enrico Cinti (University of Amsterdam), Marco Sanchioni (Sophia University Institute)

Organizing Committee:

Mario Alai (University of Urbino)

Claudio Calosi (University of Geneva)

Enrico Cinti (University of Amsterdam)

Niccolò Covoni (University of Urbino, University of Italian Switzerland)

Vincenzo Fano (University of Urbino)

Giovanni Galli (University of Urbino)

Pierluigi Graziani (University of Urbino)

Giovanni Macchia (University of Urbino)

Vincenzo Nespeca (University of Urbino)

Davide Pietrini (University of Urbino)

Mirko Tagliaferri (University of Urbino)

Gino Tarozzi (University of Urbino)

Isabella Tassani (University of Urbino)

Marco Sanchioni (Sophia University Institute)

University of Urbino, Department of Pure and Applied Science

Via Timoteo Viti 10, Urbino (PU), 61029

The University of Urbino is one of the most ancient universities in Europe, founded in 1506, and located in the wonderful Renaissance city of Urbino.

Every year it hosts the International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics, which brings to Urbino the best young stundents in philosophy of physics to learn from the foremost experts in the field.