Call for Participations

Application Info

Applications are now officially closed

Deadline for applications: March 24, 2023

Applications should be made by filling the application form available by clicking on "Apply Here!" at the bottom of this page, and should include:

Notification of acceptance is expected no later than April 7, 2023.

School Fee

Accepted participants (except for speakers at the end-of-school workshop) must transfer 70.00 Euros to SILFS before the 28th of April 2023.

The Method of Payment is the bank transfer:

Beneficiary: SILFS – Società Italiana di Logica e Filosofia delle Scienze

Bank: CREDEM (address: piazza Calderini 6A, 40121 Bologna, BO, Italy) 


IBAN: IT95R0303202400010000501197

Reason for payment:

Contribution for XXVI Summer School in Philosophy of Physics – Family_Name Name

Payment includes program attendance, school materials, and coffee break refreshments. Please note that accommodation, lunch, and dinner are NOT included.

Social Dinner

On Wednesday, June 7th we will have the social dinner of the school. All participants are warmly invited to participate!

Please specify in the application form whether or not you wish to join us for the social dinner, and if you have any food allergies/dietary restrictions/dietary preferences.

The dinner will take place in a restaurant in Urbino, and it will cost around 20/30 Euros. Please note that the cost of the dinner is not included in your participation fee, and you will have to pay for it separately.