
Pre-conference day

30th  August


English tour guide

San Martiño Pinario Entrance Hall

Santiago de Compostela downtown UNESCO sites


Welcome reception: Food and Drinks

Pazo de Fonseca

 Day 1

31st  August

Breakfast 08:00 - 09:00

San Martiño Pinario

9:00 - 09:30



09:30 - 10:45

Welcome and Keynote Lecture by Dr. Erin Sills

Peregrinos hall

Coffee break 10:45 - 11:15

11:15 - 13:00

Parallel Sessions I


Peregrinos hall

Moderator: Alex Pfaff

Differentiated vs. Homogeneous Payments for Ecosystem Services: Microeconomic Theory and Systematic Literature Review. Sophie Harzer, Leipzig University (Discussant: Germán Sánchez)

Optimal conservation policy acceptance: The case of the Lleida plain. Germán Sánchez, University of Lleida (Discussant: Alex Pfaff)

Comparing Protection Types in The Peruvian Amazon: Multiple-Use Protected Areas Did No Worse for Forests. Alex Pfaff, Duke University (Discussant: Sophie Harzer)

Participatory modeling of integrated ecosystem management

Itinere room

Moderator: Margrethe Aanesen

Bioeconomic analysis of managing an invasive species that is both a value and a pest. Bui Bich Xuan, Nha Trang University (Discussant: Ståle Navrud 

Willingness-to-pay to stop an alien invasive species: Information and embedding effects. Ståle Navrud, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Discussant: Margrethe Aanesen)

Management of natural resources under high uncertainty: Perceptions of three key stakeholder groups in assessing effects of the invasive red king crab in Norway. Margrethe Aanesen, Centre for Applied Research at NHH  (Discussant: Bui Bich Xuan)

Stated Preference Methods I

Ultreia Room

Moderator: Kennet Uggeldahl

Digging Deep: Exploring Preference and Motivational Heterogeneity for Soil-based Ecosystem Services. Julian Massenberg, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research  (Discussant: Shiri Zemah-Shamir)

Incorporation of Non-Use Values in Marine Spatial Planning: Valuation and Spatial Mapping. Shiri Zemah-Shamir, Reichman University  (Discussant:  Kennet Uggeldahl)

Revealing lay people’s perception of biodiversity and its value using Q-methodology Kennet Uggeldahl, University of Copenhagen (Discussant: Julian Massenberg)

Public Preferences and the Environment I

Aula Magna

Moderator: Veronika Liebelt

Exploring Payment Uncertainty in an outcome-based payment for ecosystem service scheme: Evidence from a Choice Experiment for tree planting in China. Qi Liu, University of Cambridge  (Discussant:  Nino Cavallaro)

Comparing Two Approaches to Predict Willingness to Pay for Afforestation Across Space in Germany. Nino Cavallaro, University of Leipzig and German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig (Discussant: Veronika Liebelt)

Hedonic analysis of biodiverse urban green: a survey-based case study of 22 German cities. Veronika Liebelt, German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (Discussant: Qi Liu)

Social Norms & Behavior

Palatino room

Moderator: Daan Van Soest

The effects of feelings of guilt, reputations and monetary rewards on sustainable forest use: evidence from a lab-in-the-field experiment in Ethiopia. Tegenie Yeshimebet, Wageningen University and Arsi University (Discussant: Tobias Vorluafer)

Payments for ecosystem services and crowding effects: a meta-analysis of lab-in-the-field experiments. Tobias Vorlaufer, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (Discussant: Daan Van Soest)

What do my neighbors do? Leveraging social learning to stimulate organic waste sorting. Daan Van Soest, Tilburg University (Discussant: Tegenie Yeshimebet).

Lunch Break  13:00 - 14:15

14:15 - 16:15

Parallel Sessions II

Environmental risks I

Itinere room

Moderator: Cecilia Fraccaroli

Climate and Biodiversity: A Mathematical Perspective on Sustainability and Resilience. Michel De Lara, École des Ponts ParisTech (Discussant: David Hervés)

The impact of climate change on mussel aquaculture in NW Spain. David Hervés-Pardavila, University of Santiago de Compostela (Discussant: Allan Beltrán)

Wildfire risk and property prices: a discontinuity analysis of the introduction of bushfire prone area maps. Allan Beltrán, University of Birmingham (Discussant: Cecilia Fraccaroli)

Economic incentives for mitigating wildfire risk: taking stock of an emerging field. Cecilia Fraccaroli, European Forest Institute (Discussant: Michel De Lara )

Public Preferences and the Environment II

Ultreia room

Moderator: Yacouba Kassouri

Ecological and Amenity Value Trade-offs: A Deep Dive into Public Perceptions of the Great Barrier Reef. Jeremy De Valck, Central Queensland University  (Discussant: Nir Becker)

Eco-tourism and human-wildlife-conflicts: Finding an optimal sustainable solution to crane conservation in the Agamon Wetland in Israel. Nir Becker, Tel-Hai College (Discussant: Yacouba Kassouri)

Life satisfaction shadow prices for environmental public goods. Yacouba Kassouri, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (Discussant: Jeremy De Valck)

Gobernance & Responsability (Online Link)

Aula Magna

Moderator: Stefan Baumgärtner

Environmental federalism, agri-environment schemes and multiple species conservation: is there more to centralization than uniform policies? Caterina De Petris, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (Discussant: Andries Richter)

Power and Responsibility. Andries Richter, Wageningen University. (Discussant: Caterina De Petris)

Responsibility for regime shifts in managed ecosystems. Stefan Baumgärtner, University of Freiburg  ( Discussant: Saudamini Das)

SDG and COVID management: High SDG scorers states managed the pandemic well in India. Saudamini Das, Institute of Economic Growth (Virtual presentation) (Discussant:  Stefan Baumgärtner)


Palatino room

Moderator: Hanna Schenk

From fork to fish: The role of consumer preferences on the sustainability of fisheries. Luc Doyen, Center Environmental Economics of Montpellier & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Adaptive behavior-induced tipping points in capture fisheries: literature synthesis and novel economic theory that applies to all open-access fisheries. Thang Dao, University of Roehampton London (Discussant: Hanna Schenk)

Managing structured fish stocks under evolution with various gear selectivities. Hanna Schenk, Leipzig University (Discussant: Luc Doyen)

Coffee break 16:15 - 16:45

16:45 - 18:45

Parallel Sessions III

Environmental Risks II (Online link)

Peregrino hall

Moderator: Sofía Badini

Spatially explicit land use decision making with catastrophic risk: a Monte Carlo experiment. Frankie Cho, University of Exeter and University of Queensland  (Discussant: Adrian von Jagow)

Water risks and hydropower generation. Adrian von Jagow, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Virtual presentation)  (Discussant: Frankie Cho)

Mental Models of the Sixth Mass Extinction: Causes, Consequences and Public Support for Action in the United Kingdom (Virtual Presentation). Ganga Shreedhar, London School of Economics and Political Science  (Discussant: Sofía Badini)

Information frictions, overconfidence, and learning: Experimental evidence from a flood plain. Sofía Badini,Wageningen University (Discussant: Ganga Shreedhar)

Methodology Design (Online link)

Palatino room

Moderator: Zijin Xie

Bidder-optimal auction design for ecosystem restoration when sellers face exogenous risk. Chandan Singha, University of Delhi (Discussant: Ben Balmford)

Experimental evidence on the design of double-sided markets for bundled environmental goods. Ben Balmford, University of Exeter Business School  (Discussant: Chandan Singha)

How to Design a Reserve System with Heterogeneous Sites: Extending and Resolving the SLOSS Debate from an Economic Perspective. Zijin Xie, Keio University (Discussant: Thiago Morello)

Design of agri-environmental policy under moral hazard: an online experiment. Thiago Morello, Universidade Federal do ABC (Virtual presentation) (Discussant: Zijin Xie)

Natural Capital (Online link)

Aula Magna

Moderator: Eli Fenichel

Limited substitutability, relative price changes and the uplifting of public natural capital values. Moritz Drupp, University of Hamburg  (Discussant: Rintaro Yamaguchi)

A New Era of Economic Measurement for the Environment and Natural Capital. Eli Fenichel, Yale School of the Environment (Discussant: Ben Groom)

Biodiversity metrics, public preferences, and the cost-based approach. Ben Groom, University of Exeter Business School (virtual presentation) (Discussant: Moritz Drupp)

Ecological footprint, natural capital, and efficiency as knowledge capital in wealth accounting. Rintaro Yamaguchi,National Institute for Environmental Studies (virtual presentation)  (Discussant: Eli Fenichel)

Agriculture & Biodiversity

Itinere room

Moderator: Nora Felber 

An Integrated Assessment of the impact of agrobiodiversity on the economy of the Euro-Mediterranean Region. Lea Nicita, University of Catania (Discussant: Charlotte Gerling)

Pay for effort or pay for effect? Cost-effectiveness of action-based and result-based conservation payments with several conservation options. Charlotte Gerling, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (Discussant: Jean Simon)

Revisiting farming for the conservation of endangered species. Jean Simon, CIRED (Discussant: Nora Felber)

Nature-based Insurance as Public Goods. Nora Felber, University of Freiburg (Discussant: Lea Nicita)

18:45 - 19:30

BIOECON Internal Meeting

Aula Magna

Pre-dinner Cocktail  19:30 - 20:00

Social dinner 20:00 - 22:00

Hotel San Francisco

Day 2

1st  September

Breakfast  08:00 - 09:00

Checkout  9:00 - 09:30

9:30 - 10:45

Keynote Lecture by Dr. Rashid Sumaila

Peregrinos hall

Coffee Break  10:45 - 11:15

11:15 - 13:00

Policy Session

Peregrinos hall

Accounting for Ecosystem Services in Benefit-Cost Analysis

Moderator: Maria L. Loureiro

Eli Fenichel (Yale School of the Environment )

Paulo A. L. D. Nunes (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

Erin Sills (North Carolina State University)

Rashid Sumaila (University of British Columbia)

Sagrario Pérez Castellanos (Galician Regional Goverment-Xunta de Galicia)

Lunch break  13:00 - 14:15

14:15 - 16:15

Parallel Sessions IV

Peregrinos hall

Moderator: Charles Palmer

Forest co-management and poverty-environment traps. Charles Palmer, London School of Economics and Political Science   (Discussant: Matthias Bösch)

Carbon Pricing with Regressive Co-benefits: Air Quality and Health Effects from British Columbia’s Carbon Tax are Positive but Unequally Distributed Lorenzo Sileci, London School of Economics and Political Scienceb; Grantham Research Institute for Climate Change and the Environment (Discussant:  Yu Shing (Samuel) Cheng)

Where does the wood come from? A physical accounting model to trace the origin of wood-based products. Matthias Bösch, Thünen Institute of Forestry (Virtual presentation) (Discussant: Lorenzo Siceli)

Does establishing commercial logging concessions protect forests in Liberia? Yu Shing (Samuel) Cheng, The Ohio State University (Virtual presentation) (Discussant: Charles Palmer)

Biodiversity and Conservation I (Online link)

Palatino room

 Moderator: Oscar Andres Martinez

Protecting biodiversity at the risk of impoverishment? An evaluation of the effect of protected areas on the tax wealth on municipalities in France. David Crommelynck, University of Western Brittany (Discussant: Jurrian Nannes)

Bending the curve for biodiversity loss and economy: Case study evidence from pollination services loss. Jurrian Nannes, Wageningen Economic Research. (Discussant: Laura Onofri)

Are protected areas worldwide helping to reduce biodiversity loss? Evidence from a difference-in-differences with continuous treatment impact evaluation. Oscar Andres Martinez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile  (Discussant: David Crommelynck)

Nature Based Tourism GDP Assessment and Impacts on Local Communities. Insights from Systematic and Narrative Literature Review. Laura Onofri, Metroeconomica. (Virtual presentation) (Discussant: Oscar Andres Martinez)

Stated Preference Methods II  (Online link)

Aula magna

Moderator: Henrique Manhique

Recommendations for data quality in discrete choice experiments: a comparison across countries. Ana Castro, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Discussant:  Henrique Manhique)

Institutional setting, payment vehicle and incentive-compatibility of stated preference surveys in developing countries: a choice experiment on conserving a biodiversity hotspot in South Africa. Henrique Manhique, Brandenburg University of Technology (Discussant: Nicholas Hanley)

Consumer Preference for Sustainably Sourced Seafood and Optimal Fisheries Management. Martin Quaas,  Leipzig University

Consequences of omitting non-lethal wildlife impacts from stated preference scenarios. Nicholas Hanley, University Of Glasgow (Virtual presentation) (Discussant: Ana Castro)

Biodiversity and Conservation II

Itinere room

Moderator: Irene Zapata Morán

Is urbanization good for biodiversity and its conservation? Jordi Jofre-Monseny, Universitat de Barcelona & Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (Discussant: Shi Xiangying)

Conserve the Snow Leopard by Ecotourism Concession: Evidence from Sanjiangyuan National Park of ChinaShi Xiangying, Peking University (Discussant: Irene Zapata  Morán)

The Economics of the Birds and the Bees: Private Habitat Conservation with Market Access Costs and Multiple Ecosystem Services. Irene Zapata Morán, University of Wyoming College of Business  (Discussant: Jordi Jofre-Monsey)

Closing Announcement  16:15

Peregrinos room


2nd  September



Informal luch

Carnota beach


Return to the city

Santiago de Compostela