Food Fighers

My Mission

Our mission is to help people become more conscious about food waste and its effects on the environment. We also want to help people donate their unused food to those in need.


of the food supply is wasted, which is equal to 133 billion pounds of food or 161 billion dollars.

34 million

 people are food insecure in the US.

Climate Change

As wasted food decomposes it releases methane gas into the atmosphere making it a major source of greenhouse gas. This build-up of greenhouse gas traps heat in the atmosphere and contributes to climate change. By reducing the amount of food that is wasted, it is possible to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and the energy used to produce and transport food.

What We Do

Our team spends their time educating the public about the effects of food waste and the importance of limiting it. We also collect food from grocery stores and restaurants that would otherwise be wasted and donate to local food banks.

The Process

We form strong connections with the community by developing relationships with local grocery stores, restaurants and food banks. Every night we communicate with this network of local businesses in order to identify where food could potentially go to waste and dispatch a fighter to collect that food and drop it off at a food bank. 

Misson Impact

We will rescue and donate 30 lbs of food per week and recruit 5 new fighters by the end of the year.  


Your help is needed in order for us to achieve our goals.


Join the team and become a food figher!