Rarity Cards

Rarity Cards Explained

Why all these cards have different colours?

The rarity and strength of a card is also given by its color.
There are four types of different rarities: common (white), rare (green), epic (blue), legendary (purple), mythical (orange).

Waiting turn to play

The number on the top left of the is the turn you need to wait to play a card. It increases with the rarity.

Different Atk & Def Stats

In this order, (from green to orange), they have higher attack and defense stats. As you will see while playing, same level cards but different rarities have different stats. The more rarier, the more stronger.

More difficult to find

Why the prices of orange cards is so high?! Because they are really rare.
The chance to get a myth card is really low in a mistery box, and it
increases with the rarity of the card. You can chance to try in finding them by purchasing a mystery box! (click here to read about the mystery box).

Common card: 88.12%

Rare card: 6.6%

Epic card: 3.3%

Legendary card: 1.32%

Myth card: 0.66%

Note that the percentages can be different in the release of special edition mystery boxes, like Binance ones.)

Now you can understand the difference in price of the different cards in the marketplace.
In addition to it, what distinguishes the rarity of the cards is the number of skills they can use in the game.

Hashrate Value

You know that you can stake you NFT card in the dedicated pools? Yes, i am not joking! Here you can find more. (link)
Every card and rarity has it basic hashrate that can be increased by enhancing your cards. Here is where I explain it.

These are the basic hashrate for rarity:

Common card: 48

Rare card: 636

Epic card: 1273

Legendary card: 3812

Myth card: 6363

Now you can understand the difference in price of the different cards in the marketplace.


Lately the hashrate of the cards in the newest NFT pool are changed. Please refer to the article about NFT pools here.

Number of skill

Is everything more clear about the cards color? There is a last thing!
hat distinguishes the rarity of the cards is the number of skills they can use in the game.

Common cards can use a skill, level 1 only;
Rare cards can use a skill of any level
Epic cards can use two skills of any level;
Legendary cards can use three skills of any level;
Mythical cards can use 4 skills of any level.

As you can see, the skills will be unlocked at different stages.

1st skill unlocks at 1st Gen 2nd Star;
2nd Skill unclocks at 2nd Gen 1st Star;
3rd skill unlock at 2nd Gen 5 Stars;
4th skill unlock at 3rd star;

Here I explained how skills work and everything you need to know about. (link)

Now you know everything about rarity cards! Go check the other articles to learn eveything about Dream Card!