

(XV International Seminar on Biomathematics)

Lima, September 11-26, 2020

Mathematical Biology is a fascinating interdisciplinary field that allows us to join mathematics and the life sciences.

Many scientists have been attracted to this area due to the rapid growth of modern life sciences and advances in biotechnology. The purpose of this seminar is to promote theoretical approaches and mathematical tools in biology and medicine within a South American context and to facilitate the development of new technologies in applications relevant to our necessities. The seminar will provide the opportunity to present recent achievements in the scientific research areas and exchange ideas. Mathematicians, life and/or health scientists, computational biologists, bioengineers and others interested in mathematical and computational analysis applied to life sciences are invited to contribute and participate.

The Peruvian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics (SPMAC) has the pleasure to announce the beginning of the activities in the way to the realization of the XV SEMBIOMAT. This event has demonstrated a high quality of organization during the first eight editions. The results were a combination of excellent invited international and peruvian speakers and the great participation of the academic, professional and student participation and attendance to these events. Under the circumstances of the COVID pandemic, our event will be online.

Topics (Temas)

  • Population Dynamics (Dinámica Poblacional)

  • Mathematical Epidemiology (Epidemiologia Matemática)

  • Mathematical Ecology (Ecología Matemática)

  • Biostatistics (Bioestadística)

And other topics on the life sciences that involve mathematics, statistics and computational sciences.