Zhou XU
徐 宙
Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
Faculty of Business
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Office: M505e
Tel: (852) 34003624
E-mail: zhou.xu@polyu.edu.hk
About Me
Zhou Xu is a Professor in the Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, Faculty of Business, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Industrial Engineering and Data Analytics Department of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), a Master's degree from the Computer Science Department of the National University of Singapore (NUS), and a Bachelor's degree from the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University (Tsinghua). His research focuses on the application of operations research and computer science techniques to problems in logistics, transportation, shipping, and supply chain management. He has published over fifty articles in mainly premier journals, including Management Science, Operations Research, Transportation Science, etc. His research works have been translated into a strategic service procurement system for a global electronic company to optimize the sourcing of transportation service providers, and a decision support tool for a global technology company to optimize the design of telecommunication networks.
Zhou Xu serves as an associate editor for Operations Research and an editorial review board member for Production and Operations Management.
Research Interests
Operations Research and its Applications in Logistics, Transportation, Shipping and Supply Chain Management
Algorithm Design, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Analytics
Courses Taught
LGT3108 Introduction to ERP; LGT3109 Introduction to Coding for Business with Python; LGT5152 Information Systems for SCM; LGT5113 ERP; LGT5419 Coding for Management with Python
selected Awards
Best Paper Awards (1st Place and 2nd Place) of the 11th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS, 2023)
PBS Fellow Award (PolyU, 2019)
Faculty Prize for Research and Scholarly Activities (PolyU, 2018, 2024)
Faculty Prize for Teaching (PolyU, 2017, 2024)
Semifinalist of Franz Edelman Award (INFORMS, 2010)
Honorable Mention of TSL Doctoral Dissertation Award (INFORMS, 2007)
Innovation Applications Award (IAAI, 2006, 2007)
Medalists of International/National Programming Contests (ACM-ICPC, IOI, NOI)
selected Projects
New Relaxations for Routing and Wavelength Assignment with Partial Path Protection (PI)
Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing Problems with Split Loads for Asset Repositioning Applications: New Relaxations and Solution Algorithms (PI)
Safety, Reliability, and Disruption Management of High Speed Rail and Metro Systems (Co-I)
A Recoverable Approach to Optimizing Flight Gate Assignments for Airports under Uncertainty (PI)
Min-Sum Rectangle Packing Problems with Berth Allocation Applications (PI)
Shipping Service Network Design with Surplus Capacity (PI)
Algorithm Designs and Analysis for Relief Distribution (PI)
Multiple Depot Vehicle Routing: Approximation Algorithms, Performance Guarantees and Applications (PI)
Team Orienteering Arc Routing Problem with Multiple Time Windows (PI)
Collaborative Regional Container Flow Management: Models and Systems Development (Co-I)
Discerning Quality and Relevancy of Citations for Journal Influence Assessment (PI)
Management of Transportation Service Providers in a Global Organization (Co-I)