Xueqing Deng

About Me

Hello! I am a  Research Scientist at the fundamental research team from ByteDance USA led by Liang-Chieh Chen, previously I worked closely with Dr. Peng Wang and Dr. Xiaohui Shen at Bytedance USA.  I received my PhD in Computer Vision from UC Merced, advised by Prof. Shawn Newsam.  Before I came to UC Merced, I received my B.S. degree majoring in Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing from Sun Yat-Sen University, China in June 2016,  and worked with Prof. Wenkai Li in remote sensing imagery processing. 

[This website is outdated, should be updated soon.]

Here is my CV [no longer updated].

Please check my google scholar for a full list of paers. 

Research Interests

I am now interested in multi-modal understanding for large models and meanwhile generative models as well.

News and Events

New! 4/15/2024: Our CVPR2024 paper of COCONut on crafting the future of segmentation dataset is now available on arXiv, and also please check our website for more info!

NEW! 3/1/2024: 3 papers  have been accepted at CVPR2024, see you at Seattle in June!

7/3/2022: 1 ECCV2022 paper on knowledge distillation is accepted!

4/3/2022: 1 CVPR 2022 paper is accepted. Code and paper will be released soon!

6/23/2021: 1 paper about neural architecture search on domain adaptation  accepted at 1st NAS workshop at CVPR 2021. Four-page short version is available at [link]

5/28/2021:  I am co-organizing the 3rd GeoAI Workshop at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021. 

4/17/2021: I gave a presentation on GeoAI invited by Prof. Yu Liu from Peking University, China at Symposium of GeoAI. Great experience to give a live talk with bilibili

2/25/2021: I will be joining ByteDance Intelligent Creation Lab at Mountain View as a research intern working on neural architecture search this summer!

12/8/2020: I am awarded Graduate Dean Dissertation Fellowship for 2021. Many thanks to the committee and my advisor.  

10/18/2020: I am right now serving as ACM SIGSPATIAL webmaster.

9/5/2020  I contributed DANet for semantic segmentation and StyleGAN for image synthesis to GLUON-CV. Please check the [link]!

8/6/2020: One paper on domain adaptation for land-cover classification has been accepted at WACV 2021!

6/1/2020: One paper on spatial explicit deep learning has been accepted at GIScience 2021!

4/28/2020: I passed my qualifying exam and I am a PhD candidate!

12/16/2019: One paper "Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Based on Fully Convolutional Network" has been accepted to IEEE journal JSTARS.

12/10/2019: One paper "Cross-Time and Orientation-Invariant Overhead Image Geolocalization Using Deep Local Features" has been accepted at WACV 2020.

7/8/2019: I participate in AAG Summer School at UIUC and received NSF travel award for the trip. Nice to meet people working on Geographic problems.

4/5/2019: A paper has been accepted at IGARSS 2019 as oral presentation. 

11/7/2018: I present my oral at ACM SIGSPATIAL [slides]

 8/21/2018: One paper has been accepted at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2018 (oral), What Is It Like Down There? Generating Dense Ground-Level Views and Image Features From Overhead Imagery Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks.

New! 5/21/2018: I started my internship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory today, mainly working on domain adaption with adversarial learning on road segmentation using high-resolutional remote sensing images.

New! 5/4/2018: My paper titled "Spatial Morphing Kernel Regression for Feature Interpolation" has been accepted at ICIP 2018.

04/2018: I was sponsored to attend CRA-W 2018 Cohort Workshop in San Francisco. 

02/2018: One paper submitted to ICIP 2018. https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.07452

01/2018: I published a new journal paper: One-class remote sensing classification: one-class vs. binary classifiers [pdf].

11/2017: I presented my workshop paper on SIGSPATIAL [slides].

 10/2017: I was awarded a NSF student travel grant of ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017.

10/2017: One paper was accepted by ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop Urban GIS 2017.

10/2017: One paper was accepted by International Journal of Remote Sensing.

8/2017: I changed to PhD program supervised by Professor Shawn Newsam.

5/2017:  I was awarded a Bobcat Summer Fellowship, EECS, UC Merced.

12/2016: I got an A+ for CSE 176 Introduction to Machine Learning, a challenging course!

10/2016: Thanks to Professor Newsam, I was supported to participate in ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016.

8/2016: I came to UC Merced to pursue a Master degree in EECS.

6/2016: I received my B.S. degree from Sun Yat-Sen University in China, as well as received a thesis award.