Xudong Kang(康旭东)

Professor,  Deputy Director(副馆长)

Selected as Talented Young Scholar in “Ten Thousand Talent Program” 国家级青年人才

School of Robotics & Libraray, Hunan University(湖南大学机器人学院&湖南大学图书馆)

Email: xudong_kang@163.com

Research Directions: Hyperspectral Image Processing; Multi-modal Image Fusion; Mulit-modal machine learning;  Game Theory and its applications. (高光谱图像处理、多模图像融合、多模态机器学习、博弈论及其应用)


Seeing beyond the Eye Ability lab (SEA,超视实验室) at the Hunan University is looking for postdoctor、PHD student、Master student and Engineers to attend our team and Lab. Research directions include: Machine Learning, remote sensing, computer vision, AI, etc.


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