Working Papers 

Breaking the Trilemma: Seigniorage, Endogenous Remittances, and Digital Currencies,  joint with Remco C.J. Zwinkels

Bankruptcy Codes and Risk Sharing of Currency Unions  (Under Revision)

Previously circulated as "When Do Currency Unions Benefit from Default?" 

Finalist of the ECB Young Economist's Competition

Presentations: 2021 European Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, 2021 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, Seminar at DG ECFIN European Commission, 2021 IBEFA Summer Meeting, Fed San Francisco (presentation), 2020 ECB Young Economist's Competition Finalist, UChicago BFI Macro Finance Research Summer Session for Young Scholars (scheduled), 35th Annual Congress of EEA, IWH-Fin-Fire Workshop, Junior European Finance Seminar, 2020 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association CEBRA, 2020 Royal Economic Society Conference General Sessions, London FIT (Financial Intermediation Theory) workshop, HEC Paris PhD Finance Workshop, Saïd Business School FAME seminar, Oxford Inter-departmental Macro-Finance Doctoral Research Workshop.

Corporate Legacy Debt, Inflation, and the Efficacy of Monetary Policyjoint with Charles A.E. Goodhart, M. Udara Peiris, and Dimitrios P. Tsomocos  (Under Revision)

CEPR Discussion Paper Series DP16799

Presentation: 2024 AEA (scheduled), IBEFA Annual Meeting at the 2023 ASSA Meetings in New Orleans, 2022 European Economic Association Annual Congress, Bocconi, Milan , 2022 CEBRA Annual Meeting, UPF, Barcelona, European Central Bank DGMF seminar series.

Media: VoxEU, Canadian C.D. Howe Institute 

Sustainable Investing and Public Goods Provision, joint with Ilaria Piatti and Joel Shapiro

Presentation: 2024 AEA, 2022 First Sustainable Finance Conference by Department of Finance, University of Luxembourg , 2022 NEOMA Sustainable Finance Conference, Paris, Finance Seminar at Queen Mary University of London, 2022 INSEAD Finance Symposium.

Designing Financial Support for SMEs during Crises: the Role of Bank Lendingjoint with Tianxi Wang

Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper Series 

Presentation: 2023 Royal Economic Society and Scottish Economic Society annual meeting in Glasgow (scheduled), 2023 FMA European Meeting (scheduled), 2023 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Singapore


Support for Small Businesses amid COVID-19joint with Charles A.E. Goodhart and Dimitrios P. Tsomocos 

Economica, Vol 90, Issue 358, April 2023,

AEA Meetings, Media: VoxEU , Economisch Statistische Berichten 105(4789), 10 Sep 2020 P405.

Bank Credit, Inflation and Default Risks over an Infinite Horizon, joint with Charles A.E. Goodhart and Dimitrios P. Tsomocos  Finalist of the Best Research Paper at 2021 IFABS Meeting

Journal of Financial Stability, 67,p.1-16, August 2023

Wang, X., Discussion of ''The Asymmetric Impact of COVID-19: A Novel Approach to Quantifying Financial Distress across Industries''

European Economic Review, 157, p.1-44., 104501, August 2023

Banks, Money, and the Zero Lower Bound on Deposit Rates, joint with Michael Kumhof                    

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol 132, November, 2021

A Macro-Financial Perspective to Analyse Maturity Mismatch and Default  

Journal of Banking and Finance, 23 March 2022, 106468

Debt Restructuring in the Eurozone, joint with Dimitrios. P. Tsomocos

Referee Service: 

Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, European Economic Review, Economic Theory, International Journal of Central Banking, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, China Economic Review

Academic discussions:

"Whatever It Takes? Market Maker of Last Resort and its Fragility" by Dong Beom Choi and Tanju Yorulmazer.  2023 European Finance Association (EFA) annual meeting

"Dollar Debt and the Inefficient Global Financial Cycle" by Paul Fontanier, 2023 Oxford Saïd- Risk Center at ETH Zürich Macro-Finance Conference 

"Tranching is Also Caring" by Jefferson Duarte, Douglas McManus, and Tarik Umar. 2023 FMA European Conference

"Pandemic Lending: Micro and Macro Effects of Model-Based Regulation" by Franco Fiordelisi, Angela Maddaloni, Giulia Fusi and David Marques-Ibanez. Financial Frictions, Zombie Firms and the Macroeconomy Conference at Wadham College, Oxford

"The Asymmetric Impact of COVID-19: A Novel Approach to Quantifying Financial Distress across Industries" by Elizaveta Archanskaia, Erik Canton, Alexandr Hobza, Plamen Nikolov and Wouter Simons. Conference The COVID-shock and the new macroeconomic landscape: taking stock and looking ahead co-organised by the European Commission, the European Economic Review (EER) and CEPR

"Active Taylor Rules Still Breed Sunspots: Sunspot Volatility, Risk-Premium, and the Business Cycle" by Seung Joo Lee and Marc Dordal i Carreras, 2022 Oxford Saïd- Risk Center at ETH Zürich Macro-Finance Conference

"Buy a Seat at the Table: Bankruptcy Law and Distress Investing" by Mike Burkart, Samuel Lee, and Vladimir Vladimirov

Junior European Finance (JEF) Seminar 2021 

"Prudential Policy with Distorted Beliefs" by Eduardo Dávila and Ansgar Walther, 

Tinbergen Institute Finance Seminar Series 2021

"Technology Shocks and Minsky Cycle" by Jean-Paul L'Huillier, Gregory Phelan, and Hunter Wieman, 

Tinbergen Institute Finance Seminar Series 2020

"The Missing Internal Devaluation: Regional Adjustment in the US Great Recession" by Giancarlo Corsetti, Luca Dedola, and Riccardo Trezzi,

Tinbergen Institute Finance Seminar Series 2020

"Habits in the Labour Supply as a Driver of the Business Cycle" by Sijmen Duineveld

De Nederlandse Economenweek 2020

"Soft collateral, bank lending, and the optimal credit rating system" by Lixin Huang and Andrew Winton

The 8th Oxford Financial Intermediation Theory Conference (OxFIT), 2019.

"Expectations-Driven Liquidity Traps: Implications for Monetary and Fiscal Policy" by Taisuke Nakata and Sebastian Schmidt,

3rd Research Conference of the CEPR Network on Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison (MMCN), 2019. 

"The Fisher Equation Revisited" by Udara Peiris and Herakles Polemarchakis,

The Inaugural Oxford Saïd Macro-Finance Workshop, 2018.