Dr. Xiaoshuai Sun (孙晓帅)

Professor, MAC Lab

School of Informatics, Xiamen University

Office: Room B705, Haiyu Administration Building, XMU Haiyun Campus 

Email: xssun(at)xmu.edu.cn, xiaoshuaisun.hit[at]gmail.com   

Homepage: [English] [Chinese][Google Scholar]

Dr. Xiaoshuai Sun is a professor of School of Informatics, Xiamen University, China. He has been working as an assistant professor at School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, from Sep. 2016 to May. 2019. From Sep. 2015 to Dec. 2016, he was a post-doc research fellow with Prof. Heng Tao Shen and Prof. Zi Huang at School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, the University of Queensland, Australia. He received his doctoral degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in January 2015 under the supervision of Prof. Hongxun Yao. From September 2012 to June 2013,  he worked as a research intern in  Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA)  mentored by Dr. Xin-Jing Wang. His current research interests include deep learning, computer vision and pattern recognition, multimedia content analysis and retrieval.  He has published over 60 papers as the main author, and most of them have been published in reputed journals and top international conferences including  IEEE TIP, PR, IEEE CVPR, AAAI, ACM Multimedia.

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