I don't like to post questions but I've spent hours searching and am in dire need of help! I'm trying to run Ubuntu 14.04 headless and remotely login via VNC from Windows. I've read many posts that the way to go is to install xserver-xorg-video-dummy and this is where I'm stuck

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This is happening when there are multiple subscribers to the node downstream for the camera topic and the camera info topic exceeds the 3 times image topic. Is there some modification which could be done to this on sdk side to incorporate for more image syncs possible ? OR simple hack on image transport will be to change the number to 4 from 3 but not sure if that should be done that way.

@Myzhar I am still looking into the Apriltags library for the same, as this is weird that changing the model number to Zed2i does not cause that error whereas for Zedx it does, there is one more error which caught my eye today and wanted to share, meaning it starts up fine and this error comes up. But I can still get data out of topics.

This is another type of error.

Is the camera correctly working?

Please be sure that when you stop the node the camera is correctly closed.

In case the ZED X is not reachable you can call the command sudo systemctl restart zed_x_daemon instead of rebooting, wait a few seconds before restarting the node to be sure that the ZED X driver correctly restarted.

@Myzhar I could not find any issue, as using Zed2i camera, I do not see the issue, but using ZedX I do see issue of dropping frame rate between calibration data and the synced pairs. My question is I am on 3.0.0 image transport version, do I need to be on the latest version or something, distro is foxy.

@Myzhar Thank you , I can try that out. But its under SVGA @ 60FPS (even tried 30 FPS and still the same) , I do not see issue with ZED2i VGA @ 60FPS or 30 FPS as I have both cameras for testing. AGX Orin was benchmarked for higher FPS, which I was looking but how do I know if driver or SDK gets released or any bugs were fixed as the scheme for naming remains same with original release driver or SDK ? Meaning just trying to see from the time time the topic is open is there any improvement made on driver or SDK ?

@Myzhar @obraun-sl I have one more issue before getting to test the above post, I am using xserver-xorg-video-dummy and to remote in to my jetson orin but I am getting error like other posts where it is over ssh error

@Myzhar I still cannot get to bottom of this dropping frames, I did get dummy DP port which fixed the problem of camera not opening but I dont know what I can do with this, I did change qos_depth to 50 but still the same. I am on 3.0.0 image transport layer and using cyclone dds.

Any input would be appreciated.

image744259 82 KB

its GitHub - christianrauch/apriltag_ros: ROS2 node for AprilTag detection this branch built in colcon workspace GitHub - christianrauch/apriltag: AprilTags are a visual fiducial system popular for robotics research.

No I have not tried to invert the mapping around because the image transport node gets message in both with change in number, also this does not happen when just apriltags is running, when SLAM (rtabmap comes into play it does happen) but not on ZED2i. I have created map with swapping both cameras, where Zed2i had no issues with same setup except ZedX new one which I got recently.

So, i finally made the switch from Windows to Zorin and i'm having a blast, but I'm also trying to port to Zorin one single feature that i used on Windows.

I own a Quest 2 and usually I use it with Immersed to work with multiple monitors, now, Immersed has an AppImage that works on Zorin and i have tested it (It works far better then on windows by the way). The only issue is that the multiscreen feature is missing.

I've found out that Immersed can only stream actual screens connected and i've found out that you can fool it in to thinking that there is multiple using xrandr to virtually split your screen.

For good measure i've also tryed this one on Wayland but if i'm not wrong Gnome does not implement wlroots, so it dosn't work too (this should be the previous one translated by chatGPT since it's my first time using wlr-randr so it may be wrong)

Hi, Thanks for the suggestion, I forgot to add it but i already tried to use the

--addmode and --output command to try to add more screens but when trying to use addmode with the line returned by cvt it was returning an error. I honestly didn't investigated it much because i didn't want to mess with the supported resolutions but if i'm not wrong it had something to do with the monitor configuration in the xorg.conf that i think was missing a flag or something

When you need to have a dummy display on a headless server (i.e. without any physical monitor attached), first install the dummy driver package: sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-dummy After that, save this config file...

If I'm honest, my dalliance with xrandr just for normal usage when I couldn't get correct resolution it did not work. What I would advise is you use Rescuezilla to make an image of your drive or use Timeshift to take a snapshot of your system before playing any further with xrandr.

I understand, thanks anyway for the help. For now I've ordered some displayport dummies to buy time while waiting for the Gnome fix to arrive. If I manage to find a fix or workaround I will update this thread or create a new informative one if this one is closed.

I'm trying to set up a VNC server on Solus with the intention of remotely accessing a budgie desktop for a user that has been set up to auto-login. It works more or less okay with x11vnc but only when an external display is connected. Once it's off VNC screens become totally unusable - the resolution is totally wrong, can't click buttons, etc. I've tried specifying resolution manually for x11vnc - that didn't work, there was no change. I've read that it may be fixable with an x86-dummy-video display driver but I cannot find it in eopkg or build it by hand. I've tried xrdp but just get a black screen on connecting. Also tried tigervnc and realvnc but can't configure or start them, it's way too hard.

What should I do to create a stable VNC setup that is not prone to resolutions and external displays that behaves much like AnyDesk would? Unfortunately sshing to X11 directly is out of the question because the clients are all running MacOS.

I managed to get it working, but it was a mess. I had to hand-hold the dummy video driver compilation, installing numerous development-related system dependencies and then moving the drivers into the correct place. I wish Solus team would consider adding xserver-xorg-video-dummy package to eopkg to make things easier.

So I installed xpra stable on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04.2 installation which includes HWE by default, and everything works OK out of the box.The only problem is that they ship a new dummy driver named xserver-xorg-video-dummy-hwe which is almost guaranteed to be missing the patches we carry.Maybe they've messed up the package dependencies (Conflicts vs Provides attributes?)

Right you are, and this is another epic mistake by Ubuntu upstream packaging.Why on earth is void-hwe depending on a package that it ends up conflicting with? (void which brings the non-hwe server and its conflict)I should be able to fix it in our repos by overriding their package with a correct one, but really they need to stop this senseless breakage.

Hello. If I may add to this discussion, I think I can explain the problem that @mkrisk is having. I am using Ubuntu version 15.10 with Mate as the window manager and lightdm as the display manager. When Ubuntu starts, it creates an x session and, since there is no monitor connected, it has no idea what modes are supported to whatever display will connect to it. So it starts with a fixed resolution of whatever the window manager defaults to, I believe. In my case, it seems to be 1024768. So, to reproduce the problem, you might try creating a headless installation with a configuration like I described. Whether or not it matters, I am using an Intel NUC5i5RYH with an Intel HD 6000 display chip, and I believe that the driver module that it uses is the i915.

I have read that you can install the xserver-xorg-video-dummy driver and create an xorg.conf file that contains a device section that specifies the dummy xorg driver, a monitor section that sets sync and refresh, and finally, a screen section that uses the defined monitor and driver, and specifies the modes that you want to be able to use. This is described at -fake-display-when-no-monitor-is-plugged-in if you want to read about it in more detail.

I tried this configuration, and it kind of worked, but it resulted in some errors in Mate when I was running it. I also do not like to create a static configuration reminiscent of fifteen years ago, because it would be nice if we could get this working in the dynamic way that the x server currently operates under normal circumstances.

A nice solution would be to provide a way that allows the x server to be initialized properly when run headless without having to specify a specific configuration. That way, if we want to connect a keyboard, mouse, and monitor to our headless servers, it will work properly that way, and at other times (which is the majority of the time) we can run our servers in a headless configuration and have NoMachine be able to adjust the resolution through the NoMachine client.

You may try to switch off your X server and let NoMachine create the virtual display for you. Switch to runlevel 3 or stop lightdm, and create a connection to that desktop. Visit this link for more information about the configuration: 152ee80cbc

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