XR for Healthcare and Wellbeing Workshop 2022

XR for Healthcare and Wellbeing Workshop - (XR Health) 2022

Access Details

Zoom Link UPDATE:


Proposed Schedule

Sunday 13 March (New Zealand Time):

0800-0815 Introductions and Welcome

0815-0900 Invited Speaker: Professor Deborah Estrin (Cornell Tech)

0900-1000 Lightning talks position papers (3 mins max)

1000-1015 Short Break

1015-1030 Invited Talk: Professor Philippe Archambault (ISVR)

1030-1100 Invited Speaker: James Hayes (Virtual Medical Coaching)

1100-1230 Breakout Sessions, Discussion, and Wrap up

Potential breakout topics:

  1. XR for medical training/education tools

  2. XR for remote collaboration/assistance

  3. Survey/Design requirements for creating XR applications

  4. XR tools for enhancing treatment/supporting surgery

  5. Important research topics in XR for health

Note to Position Paper Authors: please prepare 3 min max lightning talk. You can either do the talk Live or Pre-record the talk. XR Health Proceedings (~100MB PDF)

Important Dates

    • Paper Submissions: 14 January 2022, 19 January 2022
      precision conference)

    • Notifications: 20 January 2022

    • Camera-ready: 27 January 2022
      (for inclusion in IEEE Digital Library)

    • XR Health Workshop (Virtual): Sunday 13 March 2022 (UPDATED)

Organizing Committee

  • Craig Anslow - Victoria University of Wellington, NZ

  • Helena Mentis - University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA

  • Joaquim Jorge - University of Lisboa, Portugal

  • Mark Billinghurst - University of Auckland, NZ and University of South Australia, Australia

Invited Speaker: Prof Deborah Estrin

Title: Immersive technologies for caregiving in the home: innovation opportunities and challenges

Abstract: Caregiving in the home is a societally-critical domain, which is ripe for extended reality (XR) applications. This talk will touch on: the context of caregiving, opportunities for bringing superpowers to caregivers through XR, and the importance of a multi-disciplinary research approach to these technical innovations.

Bio: Professor Deborah Estrin is a Professor of Computer Science at Cornell Tech in New York City where she holds The Robert V. Tishman Founder's Chair, serves as the Associate Dean for Impact, and is an Affiliate Faculty at Well Cornell Medicine. Estrin's research activities include technologies for caregiving, immersive health, small data, participatory sensing, and Public Interest Technology. Before joining Cornell University Estrin was the Founding Director of the NSF Center for Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS) at UCLA; pioneering the development of mobile and wireless systems to collect and analyze real-time data about the physical world. Estrin co-founded the non-profit startup, Open mHealth, and has served on several scientific advisory boards for early-stage mobile health startups. She served as an Amazon Scholar 2019-20. Estrin is an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Medicine, and was chosen as a 2018 fellow of the MacArthur Foundation.

Invited Speaker: James Hayes

Title: How can VR technology enhance education and improve student outcomes?

According to Holo NIQ’s study, education expenditure on AR/VR was USD1.8 billion in 2018, which will reach USD12.6 billion by 2025. Given the expenditure and prominence of VR and other technology - are we getting any benefits? This talk will describe a case study on how a University transformed its healthcare simulation laboratories from a traditional physical setting to a Virtual Reality setting and hopefully give you some insight into the possibilities this technology offers us.

Bio: A New Zealand Innovator of the Year semi-finalist in 2021 and winner of the Microsoft Supreme Prize for developing and implementing innovative, world-first, Virtual Reality training in 2020 James Hayes is the Founder of Virtual Medical Coaching, and he is reinventing the way healthcare students learn their skills. During his time as a lecturer, James could see a more immersive way for students to learn. His teaching experience, combined with his prior clinical roles, led him to create the world’s first Edtech company which specializes in Virtual Reality simulation software, Big Data, artificial intelligence, and adaptive learning. The technology combines VR, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) to allow students to learn complex or dangerous tasks in a safe, immersive and realistic environment. James is proud to be bringing together New Zealand’s highest level of developers to pioneer this world-class, student-centric healthcare education platform.

Call for Papers

Digital Extended Reality (XR) technologies are increasingly adopted in many domains. Notably, XR technologies are being experimented with in healthcare and wellbeing. To address the growing research in these areas, the XR for Healthcare and Wellbeing Workshop will occur during IEEE VR 2022 (Christchurch, NZ online virtual), focusing on XR (AR/VR/MR) technologies broadly applied to health and wellbeing.

The ubiquitous use of XR devices creates an excellent opportunity to further XR research to help support healthcare professionals and the wellbeing of people. XR has demonstrated many advantages to various healthcare and wellbeing areas; however, more research is required. Therefore, we aim to gather the intersection of researchers working in XR for healthcare and wellbeing from the VR/AR/MR, AI, and HCI communities to come together to share their ideas and discuss possible future grand challenges.

The organizers solicit short paper submissions (up to 4 pages in VGTC conference format submitted via precision conference) with lightning talks at the workshop. Submission types include but are not limited to the introduction of systems developed for healthcare/wellbeing, healthcare/wellbeing application areas where XR has been deployed, or position papers arguing for new grand challenges for XR in healthcare/wellbeing. In addition, there will be break-out sessions to discuss the workshop's topics in more depth. Finally, we will have two invited talks, one from academia and one from industry.

Topics of interest (among others):

    • Addiction Recovery

    • Cancer Pain and Palliative Care

    • Education and Training via Simulation

    • Emergency Medical Care

    • Health Care

    • Medical Imaging (e.g. MRI, CT, PET, XRay)

    • Mental Health (e.g. Depression, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Stress, Anxiety)

    • Nursing and Midwifery

    • Neurodevelopmental Disorders (e.g. Autism, ADHD)

    • Pain Management (e.g. Chronic Pain and Acute Pain)

    • Patient Safety

    • Rehab and Physical Activity

    • Radiation Therapy

    • Surgery (e.g. Cardiac, General, Dental, Orthopaedic)

    • Telehealth

    • Wellbeing

Accepted Position Papers

XR Health Proceedings (~100MB PDF)

  1. The Virtual Human Breathing Coach. Sanobar Dar, Aniko Ekart, Ulysses Bernardet

  2. Immersive Analytics for Ergonomics Evaluation in Virtual Reality. Simon Kloiber, Nicole Weidinger, Eva Eggeling, Reinhold Preiner, Katharina Krösl, Tobias Schreck

  3. Improving Xray Diagnostics through Eye-Tracking and XR. Catarina Moreira, Isabel Maria Gomes Blanco, Sandra Costa Sousa, João Madeiras Pereira, Joaquim Jorge

  4. VR Training: The Unused Opportunity to Save Lives During a Pandemic. Maximilian Rettinge, Gerhard Rigoll, Christoph Schmaderer

  5. Anatomy Studio II: A Cross-Reality Application for Teaching Anatomy. Joaquim Jorge, Pedro Belchior, Abel Gomes, João Madeiras Pereira, Jean-François Uhl

  6. Towards Virtual Teaching Hospitals for Advanced Surgical Training. Vuthea Chheang, Danny Schott, Patrick Saalfeld, Lukas Vradelis, Tobias Huber, Florentine Huettl, Hauke Lang, Bernhard Preim, Christian Hansen

  7. Designing Extended Reality Guidance for Physical Caregiving Tasks. Nicola Dell, Deborah Estrin, Harald Haraldsson, Wendy Ju

  8. Ragdoll Recovery: Manipulating Virtual Mannequins to Aid Action Sequence Proficiency. Paul Watson, Swen E Gaudl

  9. Design and evaluation of an immersive ultrasound-guided locoregional anesthesia simulator. Cassandre Simon, Lucas Herfort, Amine Chellali

  10. AR-Assisted Surgical Guidance System for Ventriculostomy. Sangjun Eom, Seijung Kim, Shervin Rahimpour, Maria Gorlatova

  11. Challenges and Opportunities for Playful Technology in Health Prevention: Using Virtual Reality to Supplement Breastfeeding Education. Kymeng Tang, Kathrin Gerling, Luc Geurts

  12. Design requirements to improve laparoscopy via XR. Ezequiel Zorzal, Mauricio Sousa, Pedro Belchior, João Madeiras, Nuno Figueiredo, Joaquim Jorge

  13. The Development of a Common Factors Based Virtual Reality Therapy System for Remote Psychotherapy Applications. Christopher Tacca, Barbara A Kerr, Elizabeth Friis

  14. AR HMD for Remote Instruction in Healthcare. Helena M. Mentis. Ignacio Avellino, Jwawon Seo

  15. Augmented Reality and Surgery: Human Factors, Challenges, and Future Steps. Soojeong Yoo, Ann Blandford

  16. From Déjà vu to Déjà vécu: Reliving Surgery in Post-Operative Debriefing. Sophie Maria, Solène Clara Marie Lambert, Ignacio Avellino
