How you can feedback

We have tried to make the feedback process as easy and understandable as possible with giving you different options.

First Option

The easiest way for us to gather feedback from you is through you filling in online feedback forms.

There are two ways you can do this -

You can either fill in 4 shorter forms that work through the different themes one at a time or

you can work through one form which has all the sections and questions in one place. Both ways of doing it go though the same questions and sections.

These form(s) will cover the sections:

Personal details

Local group details and needs

Why you are part of XR Youth UK

Feedback on current purpose for XR Youth UK

You can find the full version of this document on the menu and a audio reading of it here

Feedback on the Role of the Youth Voice document

You can find the full version of this document on the menu and a audio reading of it here

Our relationship with Extinction Rebellion UK

Your needs as a young person

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If you would like to do it all one in one go please follow the link below:

It will take you an average of 10 minutes

If you want to do the different sections one at a time you can work through these forms below (make sure you fill in your name at the top of each one so we know who has done it!)

Includes: Personal Details - Local Group Details - Why Are You In XR Youth UK

Includes: Draft Purpose Document (this is very important you feedback on!)

Includes: Role of the Youth Voice Document - Relationship with XR (this is very important you feedback on)

Includes: Questions on you that will help us to support you

However if you can fill out the main form that would be very very helpful for us who are going to go through all your answers x

Second Option

Come to an open call on Zoom:

You are welcome to any of these calls even if you have done the form(s)

On these calls we will go through the questions on the form as well as the docs and talk through it, helping you with any questions you have or anything you want to add.

Tuesday 19th May -4pm-5.30p

Register link

Thursday 21st - 6pm-7.30pm

Register link

Sat 23rd - 10-11.30am

Register link

Tuesday 26th - 10-11.30am

Register link

Thursday 28th - 6pm-7.30pm

Register link

Sat 30th - 4pm-5.30pm

Register link

Third Option

Direct calls with us in the team!

We will be doing direct calls between the 18th and 30th of May

If you wish to have a direct call you can email us at and we will get back to you with a list of time slots

Please include in the email:

  • Name

  • How long you expect the call to be

  • And whether you would prefer a phone call or a zoom meeting

    • If you choose a phone call please provide your number in the email.