She learns about PowerToys and installed PowerToys on her machine. OnceJane downloads it, PowerLauncher is included in PowerToys. She can nowsearch for an application and launch an application instantly withPowerLauncher. She can also personalize her launcher to cater to herneeds by putting search based on executable names on top of the resultand show her the most recently used application. She can also addplugins which gives her additional features that she needs in a launcher, like calculator ordictionary. After using PowerLauncher, she feels more productive since it is fast, customizable, and it gets the resultthat she wants.

Through GitHubissues in PowerToysrepository, Windows users expressed the need for a fast and reliablelauncher with additional capabilities, such as text suggestion as userstype, auto-completion on tab, and options to do more actions like run inadministrator mode or open in PowerShell. This issue received the fourth most thumbs up (with70+ thumbs up) in the category of suggested PowerToy indicating thatusers are interested in this PowerToy.

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Same problem. Kaspersky Lab launcher 30% CPU usage. Try switching it off and on again. So go to KIS settings, click on File Anti-Virus, make sure Security level is Optimal, turn File Anti-Virus off, save, confirm. You will receive warning notifications. Turn File Anti-Virus back on, save, confirm. Kaspersky Lab launcher should now be using 0 to 0.4% CPU usage.

Having read , I installed spotify-launcher with pacman. I ran spotify-launcher through rofi. It downloaded halfway then 'finished' and hung. I then ran spotify-launcher with cli and it this is the output

So I had the same issue this morning and the way I fixed it was deleting spotify or spotify-tui from config folder, I deleted both of them because I wanted to sign in again.

After doing that I launched spotify-launcher from terminal and it downloaded without any issue. Hopefully this fixes it for you as well or maybe you already fixed it by now.

This is just a wrapper launcher for Kerbal Space Program steam installs to bypass Take Twos KSP2 oriented launcher. Fully passes steam command lines to the KSP exe (unlike Take Twos) and properly sets up the working path, source code is here for all to view. Releases are here:

yeah I went with the newest .net core version because it has linux/mac support. Ironically, it doesn't help much/any because there are no linux/mac builds of this launcher yet (as it is unaware of their executable names), so need to either

Just thinking outloud. Anyone know if the *nix builds ship this new launcher gizmo? If it doesn't then why am I bothering lol? If it does, what's the executable names of the launcher and main game binary there?

So I'll rewind a bit. I tried to deploy 2108 to this machine (and several other machines) using SCCM. It had succeeded on all machines apart from this one, so when I checked the machine I saw there was an old install of Citrix Receiver 4.12 on there, which had been partly removed but had parts left on there. I presumed that this was unable to be uninstalled and was therefore stopping the 2108 from installing. I tried to manually re-run the silent install command for 2108 but this time with the /forceinstall switch, which apparently meant that I would not need to run the Receiver Cleanup Utility. This switch did nothing to help, so I resorted to the Cleanup Utility. This completed the uninstall, and after a reboot, and then an install of 2108, and another reboot to get SSON working, I tested. I saw that the application launcher doesn't open, and it not opened once for me.

This is where to locate the three types of log files. The ones called Launcher_log.txt, Launcher_log(old1, 2, 3, etc).txt are for the launcher. The ones called log.txt, log(old1,2, 3, etc).txt are the game app log files. We may want those too for good measure.

Up until I rebuilt my corrupted user profile I still had the possibility to do CTRL-W to close the active window. If it was the only one, I was left with the quick-launcher window equipped with a minimal menu bar, and showing most recent documents tiled across it. 

Now if I close the last window with CTRL-W it kills the LO process altogether.

I checked that under Tools > Options > LibreOffice > General there is no such thing anymore as a check box to launch quick-launcher at startup. Is it normal, or a sign that my install is corrupted in some way ?

The terminal window issue reported above happened in a blank Fiji. And I think I had an empty frozen Fiji once as well. The recent test I did on a Fiji with many update sites enabled. But again, it only happened with the new launcher. Pretty sure about that.

At the end of upgrading from CCS Ver. to the latest Version (5.4), this message appeared: "The Ccstudio executable launcher was unable to locate its companion launcher jar." When I attemped to start CCS, the same message appeared and CCS failed to start.

As per reference link, it.launcher and it.tests are related to server side unit tests. When we are running maven command (mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage), it just runs the jUnit tests inside core bundle.

What is the use of it.launcher and it.tests folders and when are these tests run on server (Do we need to have some extra configuration for these), these don't seem to be running while installing package on AEM.

Thank you for your response. The way you shared is one way to test the Model classes (inside core folder). it.launcher and it.tests folders are still not clear, what is the use in project structure and when they are run.

I have an ELVIS II MX board for ECPI university. About 4 weeks ago it stopped allowing me to launch the instrument launcher. I attempt to bring it up by clicking it and nothing happens. There is no error message or screen flash. It does not appear in the task manager at all. I had previously been using it since June of 2017. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the NI student edition and myDAQ software suite. This has not corrected the issue. There are no real specific instructions on my school site as to what to install other than "This download enables students to install the same NI software used in campus laboratories, on their own laptops and computers. By using the serial number below, students will be able to access Student Install Options for both Multisim and LabVIEW. " I am unsure how to resolve this issue.

The Blackboard Collaborate Launcher is a utility for Windows and Mac. It provides a convenient and reliable way for you to launch your Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing sessions and recordings. When you click Join Room on the Room Details page or a recording link in the Recordings table, Blackboard Collaborate checks to see if you have the launcher installed. If you do not, Blackboard Collaborate prompts you to download it.

When the launcher is installed, clicking a session or recording link triggers the download of a .collab file. The launcher uses this file to launch Blackboard Collaborate using a known and stable version of Java. Because the launcher includes the required Java, you do not need to install and maintain the system version of Java.

By default, the launcher resides in the Downloads folder. When you open your session or recording .collab file, Blackboard Collaborate gives you the option to move the launcher to your Applications folder.

I have an issue on a number of devices that I have an airwatch launcher profile installed. For some reason every 30 seconds or so the profile reloads and just kicks the user out of the current app making the device almost unusable. It does not appear to be specific on what app they are using it can be any of the allowed apps i have set.

06-14-2023 10:50:31.124|main - 2|E|AWLockdown|Exception fromJson for class com.airwatch.lockdown.launcher.h.c|| java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $

Using a specialized executable as a launcher requires some coding, but providesthe most transparent experience for users. With a customized launcher, there areno obvious indications that the program is running on Python: icons can becustomized, company and version information can be specified, and fileassociations behave properly. In most cases, a custom launcher should simply beable to call Py_Main with a hard-coded command line.

With the latter approach, packages should be installed as directories alongsidethe Python executable to ensure they are available on the path. With thespecialized launcher, packages can be located in other locations as there is anopportunity to specify the search path before launching the application.

The Python launcher for Windows is a utility which aids in locating andexecuting of different Python versions. It allows scripts (or thecommand-line) to indicate a preference for a specific Python version, andwill locate and execute that version.

Unlike the PATH variable, the launcher will correctly select the mostappropriate version of Python. It will prefer per-user installations oversystem-wide ones, and orders by language version rather than using the mostrecently installed version.

System-wide installations of Python 3.3 and later will put the launcher on yourPATH. The launcher is compatible with all available versions ofPython, so it does not matter which version is installed. To check that thelauncher is available, execute the following command in Command Prompt:

The launcher should have been associated with Python files (i.e. .py,.pyw, .pyc files) when it was installed. This means thatwhen you double-click on one of these files from Windows explorer the launcherwill be used, and therefore you can use the same facilities described above tohave the script specify the version which should be used.

The default Python will be located and used. As many Python scripts writtento work on Unix will already have this line, you should find these scripts canbe used by the launcher without modification. If you are writing a new scripton Windows which you hope will be useful on Unix, you should use one of theshebang lines starting with /usr. ff782bc1db

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