

J.I.M (also known as Jarring Inescapable Munkie) is the main monster roaming the corridors.

Known to have been a statue for a few billion years then being used as an experiment is seen as the dangerous beast who will kill anybody in his way.


Dumbis is the second monster in the corridors.

Dumbis is not really a monster as he is merciful and open to make new friends in the empty space he lives.

He's also a tech wizard.

Mr. Pickles

Mr. Pickles is the sleeping cat in an open crate near the Blue Button.

Mr. Pickles is J.I.M's cat and is his pride and joy. He is also really sleepy.


Goopie is a monster made entirely from goop (hense the name).

Goopie can shapeshift into anything, but prefers the munkie form to lure and scare others.


Skinned was a former MunXOR employee who was torn apart during the facility wide breakout.

He roams the place looking for food and is overall an agressive munkie.

He seems to enjoy Goopie and Mini-Jim's company as to him, they're family.


He's one of the well known and sought after experiments at MunXOR up until he escaped.

He has a device under a bandage powering his artificial eyes.

He's also the fastest out of the three other Facility monsters.


Michael is an ape from the same dimension as the Berts.
Michael is a hated being among the monsters due to his power and greed for more out of this world.


Eye-Spi is a spider munkie who is one of the two monsters in the Network vent system alongside Subject 742.

She has one eye and four hands which are good for agility and sight for prey.

Her glowy tail is her light source for roaming.

She is also in a relationship with Subject 742.

Subject 742

Subject 742 is one of the two monsters in the Network vent system alongisde Eye-Spi.

He's possessed by Bobby Walker (the dead body in Area 2).

He has the most compassion and empathy out of most of the monsters.

He is also in a relationship with Eye-Spi.


God of mass destruction.


Brick is the biggest and most dominant Hungrie of the tunnels.

He has killed the previous top of the chain Hungrie "Concrete".

     He's also the slowest. 


Johnny is the middle child of the Hungries.

Not too fast, not too slow. Not too big, not too small.

He has the most empathy even though it's very limited.


Yeller is the youngest of the Hungries.

Being the smallest comes with fast stamina.

He is the most annoying and is always looking for prey to kill.


Taking the form of Dumbis, this creature can use looks to deceive, stalk and kill you as it's prey.

Not much is known except that it's hostility is very high.

Its real name is unknown.


Ravager was tested on by MunXOR, being injected with a mixture of Michael's venom and Goopie's goop, which resulted in a transformation that made him unrecognizable and sent him on a murdering spree.


A conjoined twin turned hostile monster, she roams the cave with intent for murder and hunger killing anything that comes across as "tasty".

She has a fashion sense unlike other monsters.


The dull coloured of the Duskwalkers, he's also the fastest.

But it comes with being the youngest out of the core three.


The dark coloured of the Duskwalkers, he is average speed for his species.

Not much is known except he's a killing machine.


The bright coloured one of the Duskwalkers, he's also the slowest.

As the oldest Duskwalker, he sets a path his brothers will follow with honour.


M'Kex is a locked out survivor. Being locked from the underground civilization with his best friend Z'Kei can make a munkie go crazy. 

Killing his best friend to have resources to eat became his last plan.



greg is on the surface in a non-canon appearance in Area 8 to increase the Area's difficulty even though the exit route is all through out the place.


A munkie who is very old and from a different plane, Legacy roams the halls with murder in his eyes. He uses a seemingly normal form to decieve and then turns into his "true" form to be the predator that catched their prey.


Gary is one of the kindest munkies to meet in this wasteland of a world.

Gary believes in mercy and doesn't see you as a threat.


Dan is a baby Duskwalker who was taken in by Legacy and Gary as the only reason for it being that when he grows up he wouldn't kill them (hopefully).

Dan is the fastest in the Warehouse and hates visitors.


Not much is known about Phil. He is very antisocial and mysterious.

He has very poor eye-sight and is starving.

Caved-In Michael

After Area 3 got caved in, Michael got a goal. To fufill his wish of killing you for his last chance at power to finally get the recognition he needs.

With no legs, a rock arm and a wish; Michael wants you dead.


Boundsy is an out of bounds secret in the game you can only see by either breaking reality or going out of the maps bounds.

She paints her own nails.

Goop Arms

These arms appear in Area 10 and are to show that the goop is a threat and can end your run, these arms may be long but they can still be high-fived.


Charlie is the only alive & awake NPC in the game, as of June 2024.

he appears in Area 7 briefly until he is killed by The Deceiver shortly after.


Lloyd just likes to sleep.


mumber was mistakenly left inside the game, but now we just let him stay. He is one of the most popular characters in the game.


MUNKIE0 was disguised as a hoax or edited in the game in some way, but too many people caught on to the fact that it's real.

It appears in Home and The Wardrobe for a brief ten seconds before disappearing with a bang.

He has a 1/250 chance of spawning.