Wolf Tile Puzzle

Enjoy Gorgeous Wolf Tile Puzzle !!!

1. 50 Beautiful Levels of Wolfs ( Arctic Wolf, Gray Wolf, African Wolf, Ethiopian wolf, Coyote, Easter Wolf, Red Wolf etc. )

2. 3 Levels of Difficulty

3. Relaxing Background Music The wolf ( Canis lupus ) is the largest predator of the dog family (Canidae).

Wolves usually live in family groups, colloquially called packs . Main loot are medium to large ungulates in most regions . The species has been distributed since the late Pleistocene in several subspecies throughout Europe , large parts of Asia , including the Arabian Peninsula and Japan , and in North America Wolves are among the best known predators; they have early found their way into the myths and fairy tales of many peoples. They are also the ancestral form of all domestic dogs and the secondarily wild dingoes .

Download Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xogoslab.wolf_tile_puzzle

Download at Amazon Apps - https://www.amazon.com/XOGOS-Lab-Wolf-Tile-Puzzle/dp/B07D8SYYXM/ref=sr_1_15?s=mobile-apps&ie=UTF8&qid=1527266152&sr=1-15