
  • 25/08/2022: Congratulations to Joseph Barker and all co-authors to have just got a journal paper published in EP Europace, Machine learning in sudden cardiac death risk prediction: a systematic review, EP Europace, 2022;, euac135,

  • 14/07/2022: Congratulations to Mahmoud Ehnesh and all co-authors to have just got a journal paper accepted in Frontiers in Physiology

  • 02/05/2022: Guest lecture by Dr Xin Li: “Intelligent Algorithms in Cardiac Arrhythmias and Health Care Data” as part of module ENGG40291 – Current Developments in Biomedical Engineering at School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University

  • 24/02/2022: Research Seminar by Dr Xin Li: “Dominant Frequency Mapping during Persistent Atrial Fibrillation” at Federal University of ABC, UFABC, Brazil (remote)

  • 14/09/2021: Conference Presentation: Spatio-temporal ECG Network for Detecting Cardiac Disorders from Multi-lead ECGs. Chen L, Jiang Z, Almeida TP, Schlindwein FS, Shoker JS, Ng GA, Zhou H, Li X, CinC 2021 Brno, Czech Republic

  • 05/02/2020: Research Seminar by Dr Xin Li: “Intelligent Biomedical Signal Processing in Complex Cardiac Arrhythmias” School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University