
Hi, my name is Xing Li. I am a PhD student at the Technische Universität Berlin under the supervision of Professor Oliver Brock. I am associated with the Excellence Research Cluster Science of Intelligence at Berlin. 

My research interest is to develop a novel system that allows non-experts to intuitively teach robots complex skills through demonstrations. Different from other research works about Learning from demonstration, I focus on how to endow the robot with the ability to efficiently explore the environment under the guidance of human demonstrations. I believe this is a possible solution to bridge the gap in perception repertoire between humans and robots to leverage the potential provided by the robots’ embodiment. I hope my research could contribute to the robotics community in the context of bringing robots to everyday household environments and making them accessible to everyone.


Augmentation for Learning from Demonstration with Environmental Constraints

Xing Li, Manuel Baum and Oliver Brock

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 23)

[Project Page]

Learning from Demonstration Based on Environmental Constraints

Xing Li and Oliver Brock

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2022 and IROS 2022 

[Paper] [Video]

Planning On The Fast Lane: Learning To Interact Using Attention Mechanisms In Path Integral Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Sascha Rosbach, Xing Li, Simon Großjohann, Silviu Homoceanu, Stefan Roth

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)


Driving Style Encoder: Situational Reward Adaptation For General-purpose Planning In Automated Driving

Sascha Rosbach, Vinit James, Simon Großjohann, Silviu Homoceanu, Xing Li, Stefan Roth

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)



Fakultät IV, MAR 5-1, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin, Germany
