Teaching and Thesis Supervision
Teaching (as Lecturer)
♦ Differential Games in Economics and Management Science (master level) 2020—2024, Bielefeld University, Germany
♦ Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games (master level) 2022—2024, Bielefeld University, Germany
♦ CUDE Cluster Group B. Reading Group on Dynamic Strategic Investment under Uncertainty (Ph.D. level) 2023, Bielefeld University, Germany
♦ Praktische Übung: Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games (master level) 2022, Bielefeld University, Germany
♦ Master Seminar: Investment and Industry Dynamics (master level) 2019, Bielefeld University, Germany
Teaching (as Tutor)
♦ Differential Games in Economics and Management Science (master level) 2019—2023, Bielefeld University, Germany
♦ Microeconomics 3 for CentER (Ph.D. level) 2015—2016 Tilburg University, the Netherlands
♦ Microeconomics 1 for CentER (Ph.D. level) 2014, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
♦ Statistics 2 for BE (undergraduate) 2016, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
♦ Statistics 2 for IBA (bachelor level) 2015, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
♦ Mathematics 1 for IBA (Bachelor level) 2014, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Master Thesis Supervision
♦ Volume flexibility and capacity choice: A real options approach for a two-stage sequential investment Alexandru Panici (2016),Tilburg University
♦ Optimal investment in a dynamic duopoly with product innovation and endogenous evolution of market size Anke Stockel-Veltmann (2019), Bielefeld Univeristy
♦ Strategic cooperation in a real option framework David Dziemian (2019), Bielefeld University