
Xincui Technology


Xincui Technology is dedicated to advancing sustainability in the energy sector. Concurrently, it aims to offer eco-friendly energy solutions to the community by leveraging solar technology. The company seeks to foster sustainable progress in both agriculture and energy by implementing a symbiotic model that integrates agricultural and electrical practices. This involves installing solar power generation systems on farmland or farms, creating a harmonious relationship between agricultural activities and energy production. The initiative not only supports farmers in generating extra income but also contributes to the growth of renewable energy.

公司資料 / Company Information

新翠科技登記設立日期是2020-05-22,營業登記地址: 嘉義市西區福安里興達路734號2樓,統編(統一編號): 83762052,資本額: 31,100,000元。

The registration establishment date of the Xincui Technology is May 22, 2020. The business registration address is  2nd Floor, No. 734, Xingda Road, Fu'an Lane, West District, Chiayi City. The Unified Business Number (UBN) is 83762052.  The registered capital is 31,100,000 New Taiwan Dollars.

地址 / Location