
  1. S Xie, PG Kevrekidis, T Kolokolnikov, Multi-vortex crystal lattices in Bose–Einstein condensates with a rotating trap. Proc. R. Soc. A (2018) 474 (2213), 20170553.

  2. PG Kevrekidis, W Wang, R Carretero-González, DJ Frantzeskakis, S Xie, Vortex precession dynamics in general radially symmetric potential traps in two-dimensional atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, PhysicalPhysical Review A (2017) 96 (4), 043612.

  3. E.A Hernandez,S Xie, K Akagi, Y Nishiura, Bridging a mesoscopic inhomogeneity to macroscopic performance of amorphous materials in the framework of the phase field modeling , Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (2020), 132470.

  4. S Xie, T Kolokolnikov, Spike density distribution for the Gierer-Meinhardt model with precursor, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (2020): 132247.

  5. S Xie, T Kolokolnikov, Moving and jumping spot in a two-dimensional reaction–diffusion model, Nonlinearity (2017) 30 (4), 1536.

  6. JC Tzou, S Xie, T Kolokolnikov, First-passage times, mobile traps, and Hopf bifurcations,(2014) Physical Review E 90 (6), 062138.

  7. S Xie, T Kolokolnikov, Oscillations of many interfaces in the near-shadow regime of two-component reaction-diffusion systems,(2016) DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B 21 (3), 959-975.

  8. JC Tzou, S Xie, T Kolokolnikov, MJ Ward, The stability and slow dynamics of localized spot patterns for the 3-d Schnakenberg reaction-diffusion model,(2017) SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 16 (1), 294-336.

  9. S Xie, T Kolokolnikov, Complex dynamics of a three component reaction diffusion system, Nonlinearity 2021.