PhD, Traffic and Transportation Engineering


Research for Urban TRAffic & Mobility (uTram) since 2010, Xiaoyan was not only engaged in fundamental research on the theories / models of passenger transportation and mobility to solve inherent and novel key urban travel issues, but also actively involved in various major research projects to promote the development of environmentally friendly,  comfortable, safe and sustainable urban transport and mobility systems for urban development and planning, in laboratories LICIT in ENTPE (- IFSTTAR, ex INRETS), LVMT in École des Ponts ParisTech (- IFSTTAR - UPEM), MATRiS of CYU (- Cerema),GRETTIA in UGE (ex IFSTTAR), and College of transportation engineering in DMU.

She mentored/co-mentored PhD candidate, post-master (mastère / alternance) student, engineer / master student, and undergraduate student, and supported HR. She had undergraduate, engineer, or master courses on Transportation.

🌟Qualification - MCF of universities in France: sections 26, 60 and 61.

Education 🎓

2013, PhD, Civil Engineering (Traffic and Transportation Engineering), ENTPE, University of Lyon, Lyon, France 

(ARD Region Rhônes Alpes - ARC 7) 

2010, Master of Engineering, Engineering Science (Advanced Systems and Robotics), Sorbonne University (ex UPMC), co-habilitated with ENS – CACHAN, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Paris, France

2007, Bachelor of Engineering, Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, China