Professor Xiaofang Zhou   PhD (UQ), FIEEE

Head of Department 

Otto Poon Professor of Engineering  and Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science and EngineeringThe Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyClear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong KongOffice: Room 3531, Academic Building (Lift #25-26)Lab: Room 3208A, Academic Building (Lift #19-20)Phone: (+852) 2358 7009        Homepage: firstname dot lastname at ust dot hk

Dr Xiaofang Zhou is Otto Poon Professor of Engineering and Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is Head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He is the Founding Director of Jockey Club STEM Lab of Data Science Foundations (DSF), HKUST-HKPC Joint Lab on Industrial AI and Robotics Research (INAIR), HKUST-MetaX Joint Lab for Advanced AI Computing, and several other HKUST joint labs with leading industry players. He was Co-Director of HKUST Big Data Institute (BDI) from 2022 to 2024. He is a Global STEM Scholar of Hong Kong and a Fellow of IEEE.

Professor Zhou's research focus is to find effective and efficient solutions for managing, integrating and analyzing large-scale complex data for business, scientific and personal applications. He has been working in spatiotemporal databases, data quality management, big data analytics, recommender systems, machine learning and AI, co-authored over 500 research papers. He received the Best Paper Awards of WISE 2012&2013, ICDE 2015&2019, DASFAA 2016 and ADC 2019. He was the Program Committee Chair of IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2013), ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016), and International Conference on Very Large Databases (PVLDB 2020). He was the General Chair of ACM Multimedia Conference (MM 2015) and ICDE 2025. He was a keynote speaker at WISE 2008, CIKM 2015, DEXA 2018, MDM 2019, ADMA 2023 and ADC 2024. 

He was a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Queensland (UQ) from 1999 - 2020, leading its Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) research group and the Data Science discipline. Before joining UQ, he was a senior research scientist and leader of the Spatial Information Systems group at CSIRO. He received his Bachelor and Master in Computer Science degrees from Nanjing University and his PhD in Computer Science from UQ. He is also a Chair Professor at HKUST Shenzhen Research Institute and an Affiliate Professor at HKUST (Guangzhou).