Linux operations
Post date: Jan 29, 2018 5:28:03 AM
1. alias scr=screen %when screen is forbidden.
2. source /.bashrc %source after modification.
3. ~/.ssh/config % to keep ssh connection alive, see reference
4. vim cut/copy/select V,y,p,dd % reference
5. vim / % search text
6. ctrl a/e % Mac IOS, move to head/end of line
7. pip install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu==1.4 % install specific version
8. ps -aux|grep name ps aux | grep ppwgan %search running process
9. nohup % run program in background
10. split -b 100m myImage.iso prefix ; cat prefix* > myImage.iso % split and join file
11. git log; list all commits. git checkout "commit" -- filename; checkout certain file from "commit" without changing other files.