
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Lifelong Behavioral Health

I use a trauma-informed framework to examine multi-system (individual, family, and neighborhood) factors associated with childhood trauma and lifelong behavioral health. 

Relevant publications:

Wang, X., Heath, R., Majewski, D., & Blake, C (2022). Adverse childhood experiences and child behavioral health trajectory from early childhood to adolescence: a latent class analysis. Child Abuse & Neglect., 134, 105879.

Wang, X., Shen, F., Zhang, Y., & Wu, S. (2022). Adverse Childhood Experiences in Latinx Families: A Comparison between Intraracial and Interracial Families. Societies, 12, 173.

Wang, X., Maguire-Jack, K., Barnhart, S., Yoon, S., & Li, Q. (2020). Racial differences in the relationship between neighborhood disorder, adverse childhood experiences, and child behavioral health. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 315-329.

Wang, X. & Maguire-Jack, K. (2018). Family and environmental influences on child behavioral health: The role of neighborhood disorder and adverse childhood experiences. Journal of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, 39(1), 28-36. 

Wang, X., Jiang, L., Barry, L., Zhang, X., Vasilenko, S. A., & Heath, R. D. (2023). A scoping review on adverse childhood experiences studies using latent class analysis: strengths and challenges. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 15248380231192922. (Method paper). 

Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma

One important topic of my research agenda is to break the cycle of intergenerational transmission of trauma. I studied multiple family-level factors that transmit generational trauma and adversity. 

Relevant publications:

Wang, X., Liu, Q., Merrin, G. J., Keller, A., Yoon, D., & Henderson, A. (2023). Harsh parenting among veterans: parents’ military-related PTSD, mentalization, and pre-military trauma. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1283801. 

Wang, X., Lee, M. Y., & Quinn, C. R. (2023) Intergenerational transmission of trauma: unpacking the effects of parental adverse childhood experiences. Journal of Family Studies, 29(4), 1687-1703.

Wang, X. (2022). Intergenerational effects of childhood maltreatment: The roles of parents’ emotion regulation and mentalization. Child Abuse & Neglect, 128, 104940.

Wang, X., Phelps, B., Alford, K., & Lee, M.Y. (2022) Trauma informed practice – An intergenerational approach. In R.W. Denby & C. Ingram (Eds.). Child and Family-Serving Systems: A Compendium of Policy and Practice. Child Welfare League of America. 

Lee, M. Y, Wang, X., Scott, P. (2020). Chapter 14: Supporting Evidence for I-FAST Trauma Treatment. pp. 356-392. In D. Grove, G.J. Greene, & M.Y. Lee.  Family Therapy for Treating Trauma: An Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) Approach. New York: Oxford University Press.

Resilience Development for Trauma Affected Populations

Some individuals still perform well despite experiencing adversity, suggesting the existence of resilience. My research explores lifelong resilience profiles and resilience development for trauma affected population and population with behavioral health problems. 

Relevant publications:

Yoon, S., Helsabeck, N., Wang, X., Logan, J., Pei, F., Hamby, S., & Slesnick, N. (2021). Profiles of resilience among children exposed to non-maltreatment adverse childhood experiences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(20), 10600.

Wang, X., Wu, Q., & Phelps, B. (2021). How do fathers help? A moderation analysis of the association between adverse childhood experiences and child behavioral health in fragile families. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 1-11.

Wang, X., Lee, M. Y., & Yates, N. (2019). From past trauma to post-traumatic growth: The role of self in participants with serious mental illnesses.  Social Work in Mental Health, 17(2), 149-172.

Wang, X., Wu, Q., & Yoon, S. (2019). Pathways from father engagement during infancy to child aggression in late childhood. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 50(4), 605-617.

Community-engaged Research for Trauma Prevention and Resilience Development 

My long-term research goal is to translate the knowledge of the basic science to make meaningful impacts on trauma affected populations. I am passionate about developing, evaluating and implementing culturally competent, trauma-informed and strength-based interventions. I am currently working with Camden Life Center to address the opioid overdose crisis in rural New York. I am available to partner with and conduct evaluation work for human service organizations.