In 1989,[2] David Harrison of the University of California, Berkeley, released xgraph for X11R3 of X Window. Various versions of Harrison's xgraph are available in source and binary format for various platforms. Harrison's xgraph is released under the BSD License.

I want to draw a diagram for my dropped file in ns2 (I'm a quite beginner). I've searched about it but the results made me so confused and couldn't try any of them because I don't know which code and which file do I need exactly.I have "tcl" file, "out.nam", "" and "dropped" files now, and what I want to know is: if I need any other file or not? and what should I code in terminal to have a diagram in xgraph?sorry for bad English.

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But my xgraph is not showing any points. All I can see is both the axis and legend on the right side. Is there a option I have to add to start showing the line graph or if possible the points on the grid.

Hey, I require to use ns2 network simulator for my computer network course, it also uses xgraph to plot the graphs I guess. I have installed xgraph correctly (hopefully, because make install worked properly). but when I try to run xgraph it outputs segmentation fault.

I am currently trying to run NS2 on Ubuntu 18.04. Using the ns-allinone-2.35 package recommended by the main website (, I am having a segmentation fault error when trying to run xgraph12.2. NS-2 and nam run fine - however, even when xgraph is 'installed' I get:

This is the command xgraph that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

xgraph is a freely available, lightweight and easy to use visualization client for viewing 1D data files. It includes features for animation, zooming and saving to postscript. (Also see the page for ygraph.)

The are many options for customising aspects of and using xgraph (for example an animation option), type xgraph -help to see them. The image at the top of the page was created from the above data using

xgraph provides a simple way to create line graphs and scatterplots. The original versionis hereand is already installed on the ugrad machines, where you cantype man xgraph for documentation. Alternatively, Ithink the versionat is alater version of the same program and is available as an Ubuntupackage called xgraph.

The Xgraph is deployed to plot the characteristics based on Ns2 parameters such as packets information, end to end delay, throughput and etc. The successful installation of Ns2 is installing the Xgraph and the functions through the shell prompt: # xgraph filename.xg in the TCL scripts and the Xgraph is written based on the below mentioned process.

The input format is similar to graph(1G) but differs slightly. The data consists of a number of data sets. Data sets are separated by a blank line. A new data set is also assumed at the start of each input file. A data set consists of an ordered list of points of the form "{directive} X Y". The directive is either "draw" or "move" and can be omitted. If the directive is "draw", a line will be drawn between the previous point and the current point (if a line graph is chosen). Specifying a "move" directive tells xgraph not to draw a line between the points. If the directive is omitted, "draw" is assumed for all points in a data set except the first point where "move" is assumed. The "move" directive is used most often to allow discontinuous data in a data set. The name of a data set can be specified by enclosing the name in double quotes on a line by itself in the body of the data set. The trailing double quote is optional. Overall graphing options for the graph can be specified in data files by writing lines of the form ": ". The option names are the same as those used for specifying X resources (see below). The option and value must be separated by at least one space. An example input file with three data sets is shown below. Note that set three is not named, set two has discontinuous data, and the title of the graph is specified near the top of the file.

After xgraph has read the data, it will create a new window to graphically display the data. The interface used to specify the size and location of this window depends on the window manager currently in use. Refer to the reference manual of the window manager for details.

Once the window has been opened, all of the data sets will be displayed graphically (subject to the options explained below) with a legend in the upper right corner of the screen. To zoom in on a portion of the graph, depress a mouse button in the window and sweep out a region. xgraph will then open a new window looking at just that portion of the graph. xgraph also presents three control buttons in the upper left corner of each window: Close, Hardcopy, and About. Windows are closed by depressing a mouse button while the mouse cursor is inside the Close button. Typing EOF (control-D) in a window also closes that window. Depressing a mouse button while the mouse cursor is in the Hardcopy button causes a dialog to appear asking about hard copy (printout) options. These options are described below:

xgraph accepts a large number of options most of which can be specified either on the command line, in the user's .Xdefaults or .Xresources file, or in the data files themselves. A list of these options is given below. The command line option is specified first with its X default or data file name (if any) in parenthesis afterward. The format of the option in the X defaults file is "program.option: value" where program is the program name (xgraph) and the option name is the one specified below. Option specifications in the data file are similar to the X defaults file specification except the program name is omitted.

For graphics input, cell data from each simulation in a sequence is packed into successive cells of an overall cell array :data: data . This is used to store the total graphics data in a sequence of simulations. All these fields are resident in memory, and can be stored for re-use. They can be re-accessed and replotted, using the xgraph() function, if required, with array dimensions:

Comparison results are calculated if available from the user-specified compare, an error summary is printed, and the results plotted using the xgraph() routine, which is a function that graphs the observables. It is prewritten to cover a range of useful graphs, but can be modified to suit the user. The code is intended to cascade down from higher to lower dimension, generating different types of user-defined graphs. Each type of graph is generated once for each specified graphics function.

In addition to time-dependent graphs, the xgraph() function can generate images (3D) and transverse (2D) plots at specified points in time, up to a maximum given by the number of time points specified. The number of these can be individually specified for each graphics output. The images available are specified in imagetype: 3D perspective plots, grey-scale colour plots and contour plots.

hello sir

i am doing a protocol comparison for comparing aodv,dsr and dsdv..i have the tcl script and awk script for calculating the packet delivery ratio in the terminal.i need a awk script for generating the xgraph for the same.pls help me.


 thanks and regards

Hello sir, 

 my project titles "adaptation of DSR for multimedia input for MANET" ...i am running a code for dsr.tcl... it simulates fine and is shown in NAM ... however i get a error of Unknown file type wen i try to run xgraph... i reinstalled the xgraph package ,yet no help.. any suggestions ??

hi sir,

am trying to generate a wired network with multicasting and trying to produce a xgraph for through put and i want to calculate bandwidth utilization for my scenario ,i am to ns2 plz help

Dear Mohit Sir,

I m a masters student. i m dng my thesis in VANET security. I m going to use NS2 for the simulation. I read ur blog and try to do as u mentioned. Bt nw i m facing prob in the generation of XGRAPH. I m nt able to understand how the write the awk file so that it generates two column for the xgraph. Plz tell me how should i proceed. 

Hope to get reply soon. I'll b very grateful to u.

sir i do not know how to plot Xgraph in ns2. I want to know that like instantJitter.awk run on terminal or the code which instantJitter.awk is print in side the .tcl file and if the instantJitter.awk run on teminal than how it plot the xgraph of .tr .Sir have lot of confusion.May you please tell me all the process to plot the xgraph in layman term

As you can see from the picture, there is unwanted spacing between the labels and the TikZ pictures, in such a way that the labels seem to pair up with the wrong pictures. Note that I have added the bounding boxes of the TikZ pictures, so that is not what causes the problem.Eventually I figured out that the problem is the LaTeX-code that comes in the beginning of the xgraph macro, but before the TikZ-picture environment. When I placed this code inside the TikZ figure (quite unnatural in my opinion), the issue was resolved. e24fc04721

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