In bookkeeping and financial accounting, cash is current assets comprising currency or currency equivalents that can be accessed immediately or near-immediately (as in the case of money market accounts). Cash is seen either as a reserve for payments, in case of a structural or incidental negative cash flow or as a way to avoid a downturn on financial markets.

The English word "cash" originally meant "money box", and later came to have a secondary meaning "money". This secondary usage became the sole meaning in the 18th century. The word "cash" comes from the Middle French caisse ("money box"), which comes from the Old Italian cassa, and ultimately from the Latin capsa ("box").[1][2]

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At about this time coins were also being produced for the East India Company at the Madras mint. In Tamil term for money is kaasu[3] may be this is the place where the word Kaasu may get modified into Cash. To be noted is here both the term 'Kaasu' and 'cash' has same meaning, not like money box or something else. The currency at the company's Bombay and Bengal administrative regions was the rupee. At Madras, however, the company's accounts were reckoned in pagodas, fractions, fanams, faluce and cash. This system was maintained until 1818 when the rupee was adopted as the unit of currency for the company's operations.

Cash has now become a very small part of the money supply. Its remaining role is to provide a form of currency storage and payment for those who do not wish to take part in other systems, and make small payments conveniently and promptly, though this latter role is being replaced more and more frequently by electronic payment systems. Research has found that the demand for cash decreases as debit card usage increases because merchants need to make less change for customer purchases.[7]

Cash in circulation is characterized by strong seasonal fluctuations. Wage and salary payment dates, tax payment dates or holidays lead to statistically perceptible increases in cash in circulation, for which the credit institutions are preparing. Since cash holdings at banks do not earn interest and can also lead to security problems (bank robbery), banks usually only hold very small amounts of cash. They are therefore forced to involve the central bank in times of higher cash requirements. Therefore, the cash in circulation only remains unchanged if the banks hand over cash from their own cash holdings to their bank customers or take cash deposits from their customers into their own holdings.

The ratio of the cash in circulation in relation to the gross domestic product (cash to GDP ratio) is a good indicator of cash usage and payment behavior in an economy. In countries like the United States, increased use of debit and credit cards is increasing the amount of cash in circulation at a slower rate than in countries with a high amount of cash payments. In 2018, it ranged from 1.3% (in Sweden) to more than 21% (in Japan), 10.5% in Switzerland and 10.7% in the eurozone.[14]

Since around 2018, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, cash in circulation in the eurozone has increased significantly while the share of cash payments (i.e. transactions) has decreased, known as the paradox of banknotes. Analyzes show that private households are increasingly keeping cash as a precaution against crises and that negative interest rates also play a role.[15] This effect is also observed in many other currency areas, e.g. in the United States and Japan.[16]

Theoretically, it is possible to track cash usage by capturing the unique serial numbers on the banknotes during transactions. To do this, the serial numbers would have to be recorded personally for all withdrawals from automated teller machines (ATM) and for each payment transaction at a retail checkout, including change. In practice, such comprehensive tracking requires a high level of technical effort and generates immense amounts of data. It would combine the disadvantages of payment methods, the somewhat cumbersome nature of cash from the offline world and the lack of anonymity of electronic money from the online world. In addition, in most countries, personal tracking of payment transactions is not permitted for the reasons of information privacy.

Cashless society can be defined as one in which all financial transactions are handled through "digital" forms (debit and credit cards) in preference to cash (physical banknotes and coins). Cashless societies have been a part of history from the very beginning of human existence. Barter and other methods of exchange were used to conduct a wide variety of trade transactions during this time period.[23]

By the 2010s, cash was no longer the preferred method of payment in the United States.[26] In 2016, the United States User Consumer Survey Study reported that three out of four of the participants preferred a debit or credit card payment instead of cash.[27] Some nations have contributed to this trend, by regulating what type of transactions can be conducted with cash and setting limits on the amount of cash that can be used in a single transaction.[28]

Cash is still the primary means of payment (and store of value) for unbanked people with a low income and helps avoiding debt traps due to uncontrolled spending of money. It supports anonymity and avoids tracking for economic or political reasons.[29] In addition, cash is the only means for contingency planning in order to mitigate risks in case of natural disasters or failures of the technical infrastructure like a large-scale power blackout or shutdown of the communication network.[30] Therefore, central banks and governments are increasingly driving the sufficient availability of cash. The US Federal Reserve has provided guidelines for the continuity of cash services,[31] and the Swedish government is concerned about the consequences in abandoning cash and is considering to pass a law requiring all banks to handle cash.[32]

Also in 2012, Sveriges Riksbank, the central bank of Sweden, was reported to analyze technological advances with regard to electronic money and payment methods for digital currency as an alternative to cash.[38] In 2019, it is investigating whether Swedish krona need to be made available in electronic form, the so-called e-krona, and if so, how it would affect Swedish legislation and the Riksbank's task. It has started procuring a technical supplier to develop and test solutions for a potential future e-krona. No decisions have yet been taken on issuing an e-krona.[39]

An analysis by the Deutsche Bundesbank in 2017 found that a cash payment in retail costs an average of 24 euro cents, while payments with a girocard cost 30 cents (or often 0.3 to 0.4% of sales plus a transaction fee) and with a credit card charge one euro which is included in the sales price.[40] This is why retailers often refuse to accept card payments below a minimum amount. Depending on the account model, there are also booking costs for the account holder with an average of 35 euro cents charged for each(!) account posting. Because of this convenient source of income, commercial banks and credit card companies favor cashless payments.

In the case of cashless payment transactions, in addition to the documentation of the payment itself, the personal details of the payer are usually linked to the data of the payee according to the Know Your Customer (KYC) principle. This enables the payment process to be precisely traced for the payer and the payee. The constant increase in digitization leads to a more detailed recording of cashless payment transactions and their evaluation for advertising and marketing campaigns. Since this digital documentation is usually more centralized than before, the potential for abuse increases. On the other hand, the cash transactions are anonymous, unless purchasing profiles are recorded with the help of loyalty programs based on customer cards, and keep the payment landscape competitive.[41]

In August 2023, Chancellor of Austria Karl Nehammer came out in support for enshrining cash in the Austrian constitution. This came after the Freedom Party of Austria campaigned on the idea.[42][43][44][45]

Revenue is the income earned from selling goods and services. If an item is sold on credit or via a subscription payment plan, money may not yet be received from those sales and are booked as accounts receivable. These do not represent actual cash flows into the company at the time. Cash flows also track outflows and inflows and categorize them by the source or use.

Free cash flow is left over after a company pays for its operating expenses and CapEx. It is the remaining money after items like payroll, rent, and taxes. Companies are free to use FCF as they please.

The quickest, easiest way to pay IRS is to make a tax payment online. If you prefer to pay in cash, our Service providers partner with VanillaDirect to offer a pay with cash payment option available to taxpayers through participating retail stores.

Note: Do not buy savings bonds from someone else or in an online auction site. You cannot cash them. You can only cash bonds that you own or co-own unless you have legal evidence or other documentation that we accept to show you are entitled to cash the bond.

By 2017, Bitcoin dominance had plummeted from 95% to as low as 40% as a direct result of the usability problems. Fortunately, a large portion of the Bitcoin community, including developers, investors, users, and businesses, still believed in the original vision of Bitcoin -- a low fee, peer to peer electronic cash system that could be used by all the people of the world.

The website is a good venue for making proposals for changes that require coordination across development teams. For those wishing to implement changes to the Bitcoin Cash protocol, it is recommended to seek early peer-review and engage collaboratively with other developers.

Deposits swept into the program bank(s) are eligible for FDIC Insurance, subject to FDIC insurance coverage limits. Balances that are swept to the Money Market Overflow as well as any other securities held in the account are not eligible for FDIC insurance but are eligible for SIPC coverage under SIPC rules. The Money Market Mutual Fund Overflow is for cash balances that exceed FDIC insurance coverage limits or cannot be swept to a program bank due to either a lack of bank capacity or unavailability of FDIC insurance. Customers will earn the APY shown on cash balances up to $5,000,000. Depending on the then available bank capacity or for balances that exceed FDIC Insurance coverage, balances above $5,000,000 may be swept into the Money Market Overflow. An updated list of banks that are participating and are accepting deposits is available at Funds swept into the Money Market Overflow will be held in the Fidelity Government Money Market Fund and earnings will be based on the fund's 7-day yield - Class S ( | Get Prospectus). Please carefully consider an account's fees, features and services before investing. 17dc91bb1f

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